The remontant strawberry was bred in California from the parent variety Albion. The new crop is medium early, has a yield of 35% more than the parent variety, and is juicy.

Description of the Monterey strawberry variety

Monterey (Monterrey) - popular strawberries because they bear fruit well before frost. The bountiful harvest has excellent taste. The plant is very thermophilic and has low frost resistance. For the winter, arches with film or mulch are used to cover the bushes.

Monterey strawberries begin to bear fruit in the second year, but after another 1.5 years the number of berries on the bush decreases, the yield falls. For further full collection, a new planting material should be prepared. Monterey strawberries are distinguished by a strong, powerful bush and a well-developed rhizome. Quite large bright green leaves with a regular shape have a shiny surface.

Strawberry harvest Monterey

Fruit and yield

Strawberry bloom begins in mid-May. It is not necessary to cut off the first peduncles that appear. About 15 flowers are formed on the bush. The berries resemble a shiny glossy bright red cone. The first fruits are the largest, sometimes reaching 60 g.

Attention! It was noticed that the berries of the first harvest have increased acidity, the berries are watery. In subsequent harvests, strawberries are sweeter and more aromatic.

The remontant variety bears fruit in waves - 3-4 crops can be harvested per season. Sometimes 2 kg of berries are harvested from each bush. The greenhouse conditions allow strawberries to be picked all year round.


Monterey is very resistant to various diseases. Her only problem is powdery mildew. The appearance of this disease leads to the loss of the entire crop. If this disease is detected, immediate measures should be taken:

  • All affected peduncles and leaves are removed immediately;
  • The top layer of soil must be carefully removed, since the mycelium of the parasite lives in these layers;
  • To prevent the growth of the fungus, chemicals are applied to the strawberries with a sprayer.

Powdery mildew on strawberries


Great harm to varietal strawberries is caused by a nematode. Only chemicals can neutralize the enemy. To prevent the invasion of the parasite, preventive measures should be taken:

  • Before planting, treat the area with a salt solution;
  • Disinfect the purchased seedlings in a special solution of a growth stimulator;
  • A small amount of Bordeaux liquid is applied to the leaves that appear;
  • Strawberries should not be planted near potatoes;
  • From time to time, apply manure under the Monterey strawberries - it is fatal to worms.


Strawberries propagate in any way:

  • Division of the root;
  • Mustache landing;
  • Sowing seeds.

The best transplant period is July-September. Monterey gives very few whiskers, so usually reproduction takes place by dividing the bush, less often - seeds are sown to obtain seedlings.

Site preparation

The site must receive sufficient sunlight. The earth for Monterey is slightly acidic, alkaline.

Attention! Drainage is very important for strawberries. Heavy soils must be relieved by adding coarse river sand.

Since May, the selected area should be rid of weeds and fertilized well. Until the time of planting strawberries, you need to maintain the cleanliness of the site, preventing the appearance of weeds. Experienced gardeners advise mulching the entire plot after fertilizing. So the soil is fertilized better and the weeds will not annoy.Before planting the plants, the mulch is completely raked.


The planting hole should be larger than the strawberry root system. The seedling is placed straight. When planting, the roots should not bend, they should be completely covered with soil, the growth point should not be sprinkled. The distance between the bushes should be at least 50 cm, since an adult bush has a large deciduous head. The soil under each seedling is carefully compacted so that the basal buds do not rot.

On a note.Once the planting process is complete, the strawberries are watered and mulched to maintain moisture levels and prevent weeds from taking food away from the crop.

Strawberry care

It is very important for the Monterey strawberries to maintain a constant low moisture content and rid them of weeds. Also required:

  • Loosening... To activate biological processes and supply enough oxygen to the soil for the roots;
  • Watering... In order for the berries to be well poured, not tough, they need water. The plant needs regular frequent watering, preferably drip;
  • Top dressing... Having received good nutrition of organics and minerals, strawberries will delight you with a generous harvest. Root feeding should be done monthly;
  • Weeding... Weeds inhibit the growth of the bush, the quality of the fruit suffers from them;
  • Protection from sun... Strawberries are covered with white agrofibre from overly intense sun.

Weeding strawberries

Benefits of the variety

A variety of remontant strawberries has a lot of advantages that every gardener will appreciate:

  • Despite their firmness, the berries are very juicy and sweet;
  • Strawberries tolerate long-term transportation well without losing their presentation;
  • Excess or lack of moisture does not affect the sweetness and juiciness of berries;
  • Monterey strawberries direct all their strength to the harvest, therefore they give very little mustache;
  • Each bush is extremely fertile, has about 15 peduncles;
  • Freezing does not affect the change in the shape and firmness of the berries;
  • The yield is always high;
  • The unfavorable climate does not bother the culture much, diseases are not particularly observed;
  • Strawberries are widely used in production and private cultivation.

Disadvantages of the Monterey variety

Monterey does not like thickening, begins to hurt and may die. On hot days, the berries turn red much faster, without having time to gain the necessary weight.

The low winter hardiness of the culture makes it vulnerable to winter frosts and spring frosts, especially when this period falls at the time of flowering strawberries.

Before choosing this variety, it is worth weighing the pros and cons.