Strawberries are a favorite garden culture of many, breeders tirelessly breed new varieties, replacing most of the old varieties. The Merchant's strawberry is a unique variety that has not lost its popularity in four dozen and even, on the contrary, has become a leader. The culture was bred in Russia by breeders who crossed European strawberries with large-fruited garden strawberries. The resulting look has incorporated the best parenting qualities.

Characteristics and description of strawberries Kupchikha

Berries of varietal strawberries have an elongated oblong shape, the weight of each fruit can vary from 20 to 25 g, the length is no more than 4 cm (it all depends on climatic conditions, compliance with agricultural practices). As they ripen, the berries acquire a dark red color with a characteristic purple hue. As the harvest matures, the berries begin to shrink, but the taste and aroma only improve. In terms of ripening, the variety belongs to medium early.

The variety is in demand for sale, since the harvested crop can be transported even over long distances. The abundance of fruiting is high; 0.3 kg of berries can be harvested from one adult bush.

This strawberry variety can be harvested in late June - early July. Visually, the merchant's wife is similar to an ordinary strawberry. Bushes are formed neat, with a large number of rosettes. The plant is characterized by a trifoliate form of a leaf plate, it is painted in bright green. During flowering, large white flowers are formed. In comparison with other strawberry varieties, the Merchant has more flowers that are located on strong and powerful peduncles. On average, 5 peduncles are formed on one adult and healthy bush.

Strawberry Merchant

Note:the variety is propagated mainly by antennae, which are actively forming.

The variety has good indicators of cold resistance, is practically not affected by gray mold and powdery mildew.

Agricultural rules

The Kupchikha variety has good adaptive properties, but the survival rate of plants will depend on compliance with planting rules and the quality of planting material. It is recommended to purchase seedlings from local nurseries or through official representatives. It is recommended to give preference to seedlings with a deep root system.

Landing features:

  • Planting is recommended in spring or late summer.
  • The growth point of the seedling should be located above the ground.
  • It is necessary to observe the interval between the bushes of at least 30 cm, otherwise the fruits will become smaller and degenerate.
  • The Kupchikha variety is less picky about the composition and quality of the soil.
  • The plant bears abundant fruit even when grown in partial shade.
  • When choosing fertilizers, it is better to give preference to organic compounds.
  • If an agronomist wants to grow a crop in pots, one bush will need a volume of at least 5 liters.

Important:shrubs of this variety are often grown in greenhouse conditions or hanging pots.

One of the most significant advantages of the variety is its undemanding care. This variety has incorporated the best parental properties: the quality of garden strawberries and the persistence of wild strawberries. Such hybrids are distinguished by abundant fruiting, more resistant to diseases and pests.

Basic rules for growing Kupchikha strawberry varieties:

  • This variety is not so picky about the frequency and abundance of watering, but regular moistening of the earth should not be neglected.
  • The plant is able to grow in partial shade conditions, but for ripening, the culture needs sunlight for at least 2 hours a day.
  • Caring for the variety is not difficult. The components of agricultural technology are standard: watering, loosening the soil, weeding and fertilizing.
  • It is necessary to apply fertilizers no more than twice during the growing season, otherwise the bush itself will go into active growth at the expense of the crop.
  • It is necessary to rejuvenate the culture at least once every 4 years, otherwise the abundance of fruiting and the quality of the crop will noticeably decrease.
  • To increase the productivity of the variety, it is necessary to regularly remove the formed antennae, as well as the leaves.
  • It is necessary to prepare the crop for winter soon after harvest. Sanitary pruning of young shoots and leaves, as well as shelter with dry grass, allows you to gain strength before the new growing season.


Advantages and disadvantages

Due to the large number of advantageous features, the Merchant's strawberry is so widespread and in demand among farmers. Main advantages:

  • Cold resistance, plants are able to withstand temperatures as low as -24 degrees.
  • Unpretentiousness in cultivation, which allows even a novice agronomist to harvest decent crops.
  • Abundance and regularity of fruiting.
  • Large-fruited, the average size of the berry is similar to the size of a five-kopeck coin.
  • Excellent taste and pleasant aroma.
  • Thanks to its dense structure, the harvested crop can be transported even over long distances.
  • The versatility of the use of fruits. You can do anything with strawberries: use them fresh, make jams and jams from them, dry and freeze, prepare juices, compotes, jelly and much more.
  • Disease resistance. The variety has good resistance to many viral, fungal and infectious diseases, such as powdery mildew and gray mold.
  • The use of bushes for decorative purposes. Thanks to the neat bushes, strawberries decorate the land.

As for the shortcomings, there are practically none. It is only worth noting the shrinking of the fruits as the harvest ripens.

The Kupchikha strawberry variety has a lot of advantages, thanks to which it is appreciated. Even a novice agronomist can grow a culture. It is enough to first familiarize yourself with the rules of planting and caring for the plant.