Top dressing of garden strawberries is an important agricultural technique. With the help of fertilizers, soil fertility is artificially increased. Plants need to be fed so that they receive the full range of elements necessary for normal development. Various mineral fertilizers for strawberries have a beneficial effect on the health of the crop and its yield. However, it is important to know which fertilizers are suitable for this berry, as well as how to work with them correctly.

Fertilizer types

There are several types of fertilizers. Among them:

  • Organic;
  • Mineral;
  • Bacterial.

Each type differs in composition and origin. Organics are elements of the life of the plant world or animals. The most popular organic matter is manure. Mineral fertilizers are nutrient chemicals that have been produced without the use of organics. Bacterial are ecological agents that contain microorganisms.


About mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers are produced at industrial enterprises. They have no organic nature. The preparations contain mainly various mineral compounds, for example, oxides, acids, salts, etc. This type of fertilizer is in demand on the market. These substances improve the condition of the soil almost immediately after application, and increase the yield.

Important! In addition, industrial products are easy to transport. They are conveniently packaged. They are easy to use. They are stored for a long time.

In turn, all mineral fertilizers are divided into 5 groups:

  1. Nitrogen;
  2. Phosphoric;
  3. Potash;
  4. Complex;
  5. Microfertilizers.

The nitrogen range is represented by the most popular fertilizers, where the main component is nitrogen:

  • Urea;
  • Ammonium nitrate;
  • Ammonium sulfate.

Ammonium nitrate

Phosphorus range:

  • Superphosphate;
  • Ammophos;
  • Phosphorite flour;
  • Precipitate;
  • Diammophos.

Potash fertilizers:

  • Potassium sulfate;
  • Potassium chloride;
  • Potassium salt.

The complex range of fertilizers (where phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and various trace elements coexist) includes the following popular products:

  • Ryazanochka;
  • Nitroammofosk;
  • Ammofoska;
  • Diammophos;
  • Magnesium sulfate;
  • Rehaom Mick;
  • Agricola;
  • AVA;
  • Kalimagnesia;
  • Potassium nitrate;
  • Kemira Lux, etc.

Complex fertilizers

Among the well-known micronutrient fertilizers (which include boron, manganese, copper, iodine, cobalt, as well as an important trace element zinc) the following:

  • Copper sulfate;
  • Zincosuperphosphate;
  • Cobalt chloride;
  • Manganese sulfate, etc.

Description of common fertilizers for strawberries

Among the most common mineral fertilizers with which it is recommended to fertilize garden strawberries (this is the official name for strawberries) stand out:

  • Potassium nitrate;
  • Superphosphate;
  • Magnesium sulfate;
  • Agricola;
  • Potassium sulfate.

Potassium nitrate

Another name for the fertilizer is potassium nitrate, potassium nitrate. The substance scheme consists of nitrogen and potassium. Chemical formula - KNO₃. Fertilizer is a complex fertilizer. There is much more potassium there. The amount of potassium is about 40%, nitrogen is 12-13%. Thanks to this, the product can be used not only in spring, but also in summer. Potassium for strawberries is applied throughout the growing season.

Potassium nitrate

The product is not toxic, not volatile.It is a salt in the form of snow-white crystals. A subtle yellow tint is allowed. Manufacturers release the substance in the form of fine granules and powder. It dissolves without problems in water, ammonia, glycerin. By the way, potassium can be found as a fossil in the mines where ore is mined.

Potassium nitrate for strawberries is considered a favorable fertilizer. It accelerates growth, improves immunity, makes roots stronger. The berry grows large and juicy. The fruits, like the plant itself, are not subject to common diseases. In addition, potash fertilizers for strawberries help berries retain their presentation and taste for a longer time. By feeding the strawberries with potassium, the sweetness of the garden strawberries increases.

The good properties of potash nitrate imply its use for strawberries and other crops. Usually gardeners rush to fertilize the berry in the spring. And it is right. But not too early spring and summer are best suited for the procedure. You can carry out 2 dressings. Dilute potassium nitrate in warm water. Take a 10-liter bucket of water. There is placed a tablespoon without a slide of fertilizer. Everything mixes well. Store the oxidizing agent completely sealed to prevent spilling.

Note! Strawberries can be fertilized with a solution of potassium nitrate several times per season at the request of the gardener. It is recommended to carry out both root dressing and by spraying.


This is the first and most basic mineral fertilizer, the main component of which is phosphorus. Chemical formula - (CaH2PO4) 2 x H2O + 2CaSO4 x 2H2O. It is produced in the form of small granules. It comes in a powdery form. The color is grayish. The smell is sour. Super phosphate is fire hazardous. It should be kept away from combustible materials and fire.

Superphosphate powder usually contains only phosphorus oxide. Due to this, fertilizer is cheap. Granules are another matter - in addition to phosphorus, there are additional substances: nitrogen, calcium, sulfur, magnesium. You can also buy double superphosphate in the store. It contains a double dose of phosphorus. The fertilizer is difficult to dissolve in water. Hot liquid is used to prepare the cocktail.

Mineral fertilizer - Superphosphate

Superphosphate for strawberries is considered an essential nutrient. It has a positive effect on the quality of the crop. Thanks to him, berries ripen faster.

Usually fertilizer is applied as soon as autumn comes. August is suitable for the procedure. Superphosphate helps a crop survive the cold winter because it makes it strong and resilient. The substance is buried in the ground during digging. The approximate amount is 50-60 grams per square meter of soil. The use of the solution is allowed. It is prepared from 10 grams of fertilizer and 10 liters of water. Previously, 10 grams are dissolved in 2 liters of hot water, left for 12-24 hours. The resulting solution is poured into a bucket of water.

Magnesium sulfate

Another name for the fertilizer is magnesium sulfate. It ranks in popularity with another magnesium fertilizer called magnesium nitrate. Magnesium sulfate is a powder composed of very fine crystals. Its color is pure white. Formula - MgSO4. Besides magnesium, sulfur is present there. The fertilizer dissolves easily in water.

The formation of plants does not proceed without the participation of magnesium. The element is part of the chlorophyll molecules responsible for photosynthesis.

Magnesium sulfate

However, you can only use magnesium sulfate for strawberries if the plant lacks magnesium. You can find out about this by looking at the lower leaves of the culture. If the strawberry bush has stopped developing normally, and the lower leaves have turned yellow and wrinkled, then the plant does not have enough magnesium. In this case, magnesium sulfate is used. 10 grams of the substance is dissolved in 8-10 liters of warm water. Garden strawberries are sprayed with a cocktail or drip irrigation is carried out. For feeding the roots, 20 grams of the substance is taken per 10 liters of water.You can feed it several times per season. Processing before and after flowering is allowed.

Additional Information. Experienced gardeners put 10 grams of magnesium sulfate in the holes when the strawberries are planted.


Garden strawberries love fertile soil. You can make the soil nutritious with the help of Agricola complex fertilizer.

It includes:

  • Nitrogen;
  • Manganese;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Potassium;
  • Iron;
  • Copper, etc.

It is noteworthy that this fertilizer is produced for a wide variety of crop groups. There is Agricola for vegetable seedlings, for indoor orchids, for roses, ornamental plants. In the store, you can buy both liquid concentrate and fertilizer granules.

Agricola for strawberries provides the crop with a high yield, fast growth and ripening of berries.

Agricola for strawberries provides crops with a high yield

Can be used as root dressing or spraying. It is used for the entire growing season of culture: from spring to autumn, at any time. It is recommended to limit yourself to 2-3 dressings. The solution is prepared at the rate of 20-25 grams of granules in a 10-liter bucket of water. Easily divorced in water. Liquid concentrate can be diluted. Then 100 ml is added to a 10-liter bucket of water.

Potassium sulfate

Another name for fertilizer is potassium sulfate. It is produced in the form of a powder, which consists of very small crystals. The color can be either white or with a gray tint. There is a faint sour smell. The substance is highly soluble in water. The main component is potassium, additional: magnesium, sulfur, calcium. Chemical formula - K₂SO₄. A similar fertilizer with potassium, only related to the complex, is potassium magnesium; both fertilizers are suitable for strawberries.

On a note! Potassium sulfate enhances metabolic processes in crops. Because of it, there is a rapid assimilation of nutrition by plants. Potassium sulfate for strawberries is important because it makes the berries more vitamin.

Typically this product is used in spring and autumn during soil preparation. It is either embedded in the ground in the form of a powder, or dissolved in water and irrigated. The powder is used at 10-20 grams per square meter. If it is bred in a 10-liter bucket of water, then 30-35 grams are already taken.

Fertilizer compatibility

  • The peculiarity of potassium nitrate for strawberries is that it cannot be mixed with organic matter. For example, collecting peat or manure and potassium nitrate can be detrimental to the soil. In the same way, as well as collecting this substance with straw, sawdust.
  • Magnesium sulfate is ideally compatible with phosphorus and potassium because magnesium helps potassium and phosphorus to be absorbed faster.
  • The use of Agricola fertilizer together with other nutritious products is not recommended. You should refrain from such watering. It will be better if the drugs alternate with each other and do so from year to year.
  • Potassium sulfate can be combined with fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus. It helps them digest. You cannot mix with urea, which contains nitrogen, as well as with chalk.

Safety engineering

A novice gardener should carefully work with mineral fertilizers, because it is chemistry. Among the most common mistakes beginners make is working without a respirator, without gloves. Fertilizers can be poisoned. They enter the body through the nose, eyes, wounds on the skin. Poisoning, in turn, provokes problems with the nerves and kidneys. It is important to observe safety precautions.

You need to feed only with gloves.

It is necessary to carry out top dressing only in clothes that are specially prepared for this procedure. When working, you should use a respirator, thick rubber gloves. After completing all procedures, the gardener needs to wash.

Mineral fertilizers are indisputably very useful for the suburban area. It's easy to buy them. They are sold in all garden shops. However, before use, you must read the instructions and follow all recommendations. Strawberries will only be healthy if you feed them wisely.