Bordeaux liquid is widely used in horticulture. Plants are treated with it to avoid fungal diseases. Despite the fact that today there is a wide range of drugs on sale that effectively counteract plant diseases, experienced gardeners still do not change the old proven methods of prevention.

Purpose of application

As strange as it may sound, the mixture came out completely unexpectedly. One French gardener was about to process a vine and, having mixed something, mixed lime and copper sulfate. The result obtained exceeded all expectations, and this solution became popular, it is still used in many countries.

In most cases, gardeners use this composition for preventive plant treatments in early spring. Thanks to this, the plants do not get sick throughout the season. For example, the leaves of berry bushes and strawberries do not stain during the summer, and the vine does not suffer from rot and mildew.

Bordeaux liquid for grapes

In the summer, the plant processing procedure is done again. The mixture is completely harmless to vegetation, but at the same time it resists various pathogens.

This drug is used to treat crops such as:

  • Onions processed with folk remedies do not rot and are well preserved;
  • Tomatoes and potatoes after processing with the mixture do not get sick with late blight;
  • Cucumbers and melons are not sick with anthracnose;
  • Grapes can be saved from downy mildew.

Preparation of Bordeaux liquid

A remedy for prevention should be prepared according to established rules. Only in this case will you get a really effective remedy for the prevention of many diseases. Step-by-step instructions on how to prepare Bordeaux mixture for sprinkling grapes:

  1. In no case should you mix drugs in a metal container;
  2. To prepare a one percent solution, use the following recipe: one hundred grams of fine copper sulfate is diluted with warm water, one liter in volume. Then add four liters of cold water to the liquid;
  3. Prepare a solution of lime in a separate container. To do this, quicklime is diluted in a liter of water, weighing one hundred and thirty grams. The mixture is well diluted and added to a volume of five liters with cold water, after which it is filtered;
  4. When mixing both ingredients, be very careful and stir the mixture thoroughly with a wooden club;
  5. To prepare a three percent solution, take three hundred grams of copper sulfate and four hundred grams of lime for the same amount of water;
  6. You need to store quicklime in a container that is hermetically sealed;
  7. The substance must be filtered before use;
  8. Spraying should be done on the same day when the solution is made. In no case should you leave it for re-processing.

Do not add other components or add water to the already prepared mixture. Such actions will render all the useful properties of the liquid unusable. Subject to the entire preparation technology, Bordeaux liquid for grapes will have a bright blue color and a suspension consistency. Her reaction should be slightly alkaline. The correctness of preparation is determined in the following ways:

  1. When immersed in a solution of litmus paper, its color should remain the same; if you use phenolphthaleic paper, it will turn crimson;
  2. If there are no reagents under the other, you can use an ordinary iron nail or wire, on which there should be no plaque after immersion in the mixture.

If you are using Bordeaux grape mix, it is important to remember the following precautions:

  1. You cannot add any components other than those indicated in the recipe to the Bordeaux mixture for sprinkling grapes;
  2. Do not process the plant when it blooms;
  3. This substance is moderately toxic;
  4. Do not spray in windy or rainy weather, as well as in dew.

Compared to the use of other fungicides, Bordeaux liquid:

  • persists for a long time on the leaves of the plant, which protects it from the effects of the external environment;
  • it can be sprayed on the vine to prevent diseases of various types;
  • quickly enough shows the result of its impact on already affected areas;
  • does not harm the plant itself;
  • is not washed off from leaves by atmospheric precipitation;
  • in terms of the budget, this tool is much more economical in comparison with the cost of other drugs;
  • uncomplicated cooking method.

Instructions for use

For those who are engaged in viticulture and want to know how to properly process grapes in spring, detailed instructions are provided. For the first time, the vine should be processed in late February - early March, while it has not yet blossomed. Thus, the plant is protected from fungal spores, which are found not only in the ground, but also in the air.

In this case, a three percent solution is used, which must be poured into the sprayer. Then put on protective clothing, gloves and a mask.

Important! If the mixture comes into contact with the skin, rinse it with plenty of water.

When spraying a plant, the solution must be applied evenly, so that it has the ability to flow along the stem and cover all cracks, removing microorganisms that have settled in them. The drug works for a month. Re-spraying should be carried out with a mixture with a lower concentration.

Processed grape leaves

You need to process the vine at least six times before flowering. As soon as the grapes began to bloom, the process must be suspended so that the ovary and leaves do not fall off. In the summer, the culture must be sprayed again.

In the fall, the third treatment of the culture is carried out with a three percent Bordeaux solution. This should be done immediately after the entire crop has been harvested and the leaves have flown around. The plant will be covered with a film, thanks to which it will be protected not only from pathogens, but also from frost in winter.

On a note. Immediately before processing with Bordeaux liquid, you need to do the autumn pruning of the plant.

Mistakes not to be allowed

In no case should the culture be treated with a broom or other device other than a sprayer. Only he will be able to deliver the drug to hard-to-reach places and evenly distribute it.

When caring for grapes, it is very important to do all treatments on time, otherwise there will be no benefit from using it.

It should be borne in mind that Bordeaux liquid is a fungicide that is used only for prophylactic purposes and serves as a barrier against pathogens. If it is applied on time, it saves money that will have to be spent if the plant gets sick.

You need to process the culture in the evening or in the morning.

It is necessary to process the culture in the evening or in the morning, while making sure that there is no dew, rain and wind. Otherwise, you can burn the leaves and trunk.

Before harvesting, you need to stop the processing process twenty-five days. When eating fruits, they must be thoroughly washed.


A winegrower who has just started doing this difficult business is afraid or does not know when it is possible to spray the grapes with Bordeaux liquid, and is interested in whether it can be replaced with something. He wants to simplify the process of processing culture, but so that the effect is high.

Today there are many fungicides that can replace the folk remedy. Among these it should be noted:

  • Abigo Peak;
  • Hom;
  • Cuproxat.

These drugs do an excellent job with the task assigned to them. Their application is very simple, and the price is affordable. There are also more popular remedies. These include:

  • Oxyhom;
  • Polykhom.

These drugs have the ability not only to protect the plant from diseases, but also, penetrating into the stem and leaves of the culture, to treat it. When processing with Bordeaux liquid, it is impossible to achieve such an effect.

The fungicides listed above can be used with insecticides, stimulants, and fertilizers. Thanks to such features, it is possible to solve several problems at once in the process of one processing. If you compare this property with Bordeaux liquid, then this mixture cannot be used with anything.

There are also drugs that are more effective than folk remedies. Among these it is worth noting:

  • Strobe;
  • Kwardis;
  • Speed;
  • Ridomil;
  • Akrabat;
  • Vectra.

The use of colloidal sulfur will be effective, which not only serves as a shelter from many diseases, but also destroys ticks by acting on them with its vapors.

Advantages and disadvantages of the tool

The composition of Burgundy grape liquid contains a substance such as copper. This trace element is very important for plant growth and development. If it is not enough in the soil, then the plant suffers from chlorosis. In this case, the folk remedy will be a panacea for this disease.

Gardeners noted many positive qualities of the solution, the main of which are:

  • The solution quickly begins to act and is not washed off by precipitation;
  • They can be processed already in February, as well as in late autumn;
  • The mixture is valid for at least a month;
  • It can be used to prevent many diseases, as well as to protect against pests;
  • Low cost of the drug. One hundred grams of the drug costs 140 rubles, while two hundred grams of Strobi fungicide can be bought for 2,280 rubles.

If the drug is used correctly, then there will be no problems. If you make mistakes during use, then some disadvantages will appear:

  • The drug should not be used together with other substances, as they can disturb its balance;
  • The drug will only act when it comes into contact with vegetation;
  • Phytotoxicity may occur with prolonged use of the drug;
  • When copper accumulates in the soil, it negatively affects the condition of many crops;
  • Groundwater can be carried into water bodies;
  • Copper can be poisoned, so you cannot use the drug without protective clothing;
  • If you make mistakes during cooking, then instead of a beneficial effect, you can harm the plant;
  • It is very difficult to spray crops with a sprayer as the mixture is very thick and the nozzles become clogged.

The use of Bordeaux liquid in the vineyard is very beneficial, but only if done correctly. Therefore, beginners should only use the mixture if they are confident that they will do everything right.