Apple trees give summer residents sweet, healthy fruits. Winter crops provide fruit growers during the cold season. For the harvest to be plentiful and the tree healthy, the apple tree must be properly looked after. It is also important to recognize ailments in time and fight them. You can find out if everything is good with a tree by its leaves. If the leaf began to curl up, redness appeared on it, it means that the tree is overcome by disease or pests. The gardener must act quickly. But first you need to know why the leaves on the apple tree turn red, what it is.

Disease and pest control

General rules for the control of diseases and pests of the apple tree include the points:

  1. Treatment with anti-annoying insects. Among the popular insecticides are Fufanon, Nitrafen, Pirimiks, etc. The procedure is carried out in the spring. The air temperature should be about 4 ... 6 degrees Celsius. The preparations are dissolved in water. You need to act according to the instructions. Spraying is carried out using a special sprinkler. It is important to completely cultivate the apple tree and the ground under it.
  2. The use of remedies that cure apple diseases. The most versatile: colloidal sulfur, Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate solution. Infectious drying is recommended to be treated with copper oxychloride. Bacteriosis is treated with Cumulus, Tiovit Jet. To defeat the apple scab disease, Ordan and Broneks are used. This disease is afraid of urea. It is applied in the form of a solution to the crown and trunk of a tree. Fruit rot will go away if you spray the apple tree with the fungicides Horus, Kurzat, VDG.
  3. If the tree is severely affected by the disease, and the struggle does not bring the desired results, then it is better for the gardener to remove the apple tree. So you can save other plantings and eliminate the disease completely. The apple tree is cut. The branches are burned. The earth is disinfected with a solution of copper or iron sulfate.
  4. During the fight against diseases and pests, you cannot stop caring for the apple tree. It is watered, fed, cut in a timely manner. So the apple tree will have the strength to fight ailments.

Causes of redness and curling of leaves

Disease and pest control

Experienced gardeners know that curling red leaves on an apple tree can appear for several reasons.

Among which:

  • Invasion of pests;
  • Lack of certain nutrients
  • Mechanical deformation.

Problems can be noticed when spring comes or June comes. The grower should closely monitor the plant and notice any abnormalities.

Invasion of pests

Leaves may curl and turn red from common or red-gall aphids. A very small pest hides on the underside of the leaf. The leaf is curled up due to an insect. Edges change color from emerald to purple or crimson. The rolled sheet contains aphid colonies. They actively suck out nutritious juice. The insect can move from foliage to fruit, ruining the crop. Red-haired aphids love mature plants. It can rarely appear on a young apple tree.

As a result, the foliage turns into thin, painful tubes that are reddish in color. The danger of aphids is not only a decrease in yield. In addition, the tree is under stress.His immunity is sharply reduced. It can pick up any disease without any problems. It was noticed that aphids negatively affect the winter hardiness of the culture. An apple tree infected with this pest runs the risk of freezing and dying even in a not too frosty winter - it is enough for the air temperature to drop to -18 ... -22 degrees Celsius.

Aphid control measures

It is imperative to fight aphids. She herself will not leave the trees. For wintering, the insect and its eggs lie in the bark on the trunk and large branches. It is recommended to treat the culture with insecticidal preparations. But this should be done in early spring, before the start of sap flow.

Aphid control measures

Among the effective means:

  • Aktara;
  • Karbofos;
  • Dimelin;
  • Decis;
  • Clipper, etc.

Processing is carried out strictly according to the instructions.

Additional Information. There are also popular measures to combat the small parasite. They consist in spraying the tree with soapy water. In a 10-liter bucket of water, 300 grams of laundry soap is diluted.

Lack of certain nutrients

Despite the fact that apple trees are rather unpretentious plants, a healthy apple orchard can only grow on soil with certain physicochemical indicators. For example, the tree thrives best on light, breathable soils with neutral acidity. Microbiological activity must be high. Humus should be at least 2%. Heavy soil is not suitable. If the soil is depleted, then the apple tree will be hard. Lack of nutrients leads to a slowdown in plant growth, physiological disorders. If the apple tree leaves noticeably red at the edges, it means that it lacks potassium substances.

In the absence of sufficient amounts of magnesium, purple or golden spots may appear on the foliage. Each spot has a different shape and size. Most often, the lower part of the foliage indicates a lack of magnesium.

The leaves on the apple tree turn red

If a young apple tree receives less phosphorus, then the color of the crown changes completely. She ceases to be emerald, becoming crimson. This happens in spring or early summer.

The reason for the appearance of reddish and whitish spots on the top of the tree is a lack of manganese. The lack of this element can be found in the taste of apples. The fruit becomes tasteless. He loses sweetness, aroma.

An insufficient amount of calcium in the soil can twist the apple tree foliage.

How to replenish nutrients

Many gardeners ask themselves the question "if the leaves turn red and curl on the apple tree, how can the tree be processed?" At the same time, the summer resident is sure that the reason for this situation is a lack of nutrients. Then experts advise to feed the tree with high quality. For example, as soon as spring comes, a complex mixture is embedded in the trunk circle. You can cook it from 3-5 buckets of humus. You can use compost, a bucket of chicken manure, 50 grams of magnesium, 130-160 grams of phosphorus and the same amount of potassium.

In the summer, 160 grams of nitrogen is introduced, the same amount of potassium and 200-250 grams of phosphorus. Top dressing is carried out as soon as June comes. At the end of summer, apple trees are fed only if signs of nutritional hunger remain, or the tree is planted on poor soil. Then it is recommended to add 140-160 grams of superphosphate and 250-300 grams of potassium sulfate.

You can fill the need for manganese by spraying the foliage with manganese sulfate diluted in a bucket of water. Another way to give the plant this element is to embed wood ash in the root circle.

In order to replenish the supply of calcium, agronomists advise spraying the foliage with soluble calcium preparations. You can use calcium nitrate or calcium chloride.

Note! It is recommended to organize all fertilizing to replenish the tree with certain nutrients in the spring.

Mechanical deformation

We are talking about damage to the tree. Perhaps its roots have significantly spoiled the mice. Or the roots were damaged by a metal fence. Leaves can turn red due to mechanical deformation of the trunk.For example, he was heavily pulled by a rope, wire ribbons. Another reason is that the branches rested against the structure and cannot develop normally.

In all these cases, the problem is the same: the tree does not receive sufficient nutrition due to mechanical damage. You can cope with the problem if you free the plant and remove the obstacle. In addition, it is necessary to protect the crop from rodents.

Sapling with reddened leaves

A red tint on the leaves may appear in the seedling. If this happened, then, most likely, the young plant was overcome by the red-gall apple aphid. You can fight insects with such a folk remedy as ash. It is abundantly covered with a seedling. Fly ash permeates the roots of the plant and enters the trunk and twigs. The juice becomes bitter. This factor repels insects.

You can process a seedling with a Spark. It is a new generation insecticide. The drug tablet is dipped into a 10-liter bucket of warm water. Everything is thoroughly mixed. A small tree can be watered or sprayed completely. The process can be repeated several times. Another recommended preparation for controlling aphids on a seedling is Decis. You can see that the pest is defeated in 72 hours.

It is easier to deal with red gall aphids on a seedling than on an adult plant. You can collect insects by hand, and then treat the trunk and crown with soapy tobacco infusion.

How to treat red spots

How to treat red spots

Why do red and dark dots appear on the leaves of the apple tree? The likelihood of a black cancer is high. This is a dangerous disease. After a while, the reddish point turns into a spot that covers the entire leaf. Other signs of the disease: black and purple spots appear on the bark, the bark layer cracks, the wood turns black, the fruits turn black.

Fighting the disease is difficult. A whole range of measures is usually used. All damaged areas are removed first. Hearths are cut out without regret. Further, all sections are treated with an antiseptic. As it is used a strong mixture of water with manganese or copper sulfate dissolved in water. After the wound, they are covered with garden pitch. Further, the entire apple tree is treated with a solution of copper sulfate and an anti-fungal drug. The medicinal composition is poured into the soil under the apple tree.

Important! Black cancer can be cured with conventional antibiotics. Streptomycin tablets that are diluted in warm water are ideal.

How to treat plaque

A whitish, cobweb-like bloom may appear on the leaves of the fruit tree. It darkens over time. This affects the development of the apple tree. Leaves that have been covered with bloom dry up and fall off. The same thing happens with branches. Plaque on the leaves is a sure sign of powdery mildew.

It is also necessary to treat plaque or powdery mildew with the help of complex therapy. First, the tree is pruned. Its goal is to remove diseased shoots. Next, the apple tree must be treated with chemistry. Moreover, processing is carried out 3-5 times a year.

Effective drugs:

  • Colloidal sulfur;
  • Topaz;
  • Fitosporin;
  • Impak;
  • Copper sulfate;
  • Hom;
  • Topsin.

How to treat leaf bumps

How to treat leaf bumps

Blossoms and brick-colored spots on apple leaves can be caused by rust. In this case, the leaf plate will look painful. It is deformed. A raised bump or bulge appears on each leaf. Their color is reddish. You may notice an orange tint. Rust itself does not destroy the tree, it only weakens it. The apple tree loses some of its immunity and can easily catch a more dangerous disease. In addition, due to the disease, winter hardiness is sharply reduced. For the winter, a diseased tree is abundantly mulched with peat, humus and sawdust. Part of the trunk can be covered.

It is imperative to fight rust. Firstly, branches, foliage with signs of ailment are cut off. Secondly, abundant spraying with fungicidal agents is organized. Suitable Vincint, Topaz, Fitosporin M.You can use Bordeaux liquid, products that contain sulfur.


So that red spots, dots, swellings, spots never appear on the leaves of the apple tree, the leaf plates do not begin to curl, do not turn completely red, prevention should be done. A healthy tree will not catch diseases, pests will not be afraid of it.

  • To prevent the invasion of harmful insects, fragrant flowers and odorous plants are planted next to the apple tree or under the tree. For example, calendula, lavender, tansy, garlic, tomatoes. It will not be superfluous to hang a birdhouse on the branches to attract birds. Birds will peck insects.

Note! In order to protect trees from aphids, anthills are removed in the garden. Since ants create farms for these pests on apple trees, pears.

  • Many parasites cannot bite through the leaves of a fruit tree if the leaves are strong and dense. Therefore, you should water the apple tree on time. The seedling is watered every 14 days. An adult plant is less common.
  • In order for the apple tree to always have enough nutrients, it is properly fertilized, but you cannot overdo it. It is undesirable to add too much nitrogen, chicken manure. With organic matter and mineral fertilizers, you should observe the measure. In the spring, the tree can be fed with humus or compost, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium. In the summer, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. At the end of August, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are introduced onto poor soil.
  • Many diseases can be prevented if pruning is carried out on time. In early spring, all old branches and shoots with signs of disease are removed. The tree trunk must be whitewashed. It also has sticky tape attached to it to help catch pesky pests.
  • In early spring the trees are treated with Bordeaux mixture. The tool acts as a prevention of diseases and many pests. The area under the crop should also be treated. Thus, you can get rid of the larvae of harmful insects, fungus. It is also recommended to spill the soil with a solution of copper sulfate. Spraying with Bordeaux liquid is carried out in the fall, after it will not be possible to find even one apple on the tree.

Reddening of the leaves, their curling can inform the gardener of various problems. It is important for a person to recognize the disease in time and know what to do in order to help the plant.