Every summer resident knows how important it is to carry out seasonal processing of fruit crops against diseases and pests. This is especially important in the spring. Such an event can prevent the invasion of harmful insects, prevent the appearance of pathogenic microbes, which in turn ensures good yields. Therefore, many gardeners are interested in the question of when it is possible to spray fruit trees from pests.

When to process

Treatment and prophylaxis should begin in early spring.

  • When the weather is warm and dry, the air temperature will be at least 6 ° C (late March - early April, but depends on the region, it is better after the snow has melted). At this time, insect pests begin to wake up, pathogens of fungal infections (scab, rot, moniliosis) spread.
  • It is necessary to remove the garden from the remaining foliage, grass, before irrigating fruit trees, bushes. To do this, remove winter covering materials, cut off diseased, damaged, old branches, burn all plant debris. You also need to dig up the trunk circles and whitewash the trunks, skeletal branches.
  • Trees over 6 years old are cleared of ancient bark, moss, lichen. Such manipulations allow plants to breathe better, stimulate the emergence of new shoots, and increase their regenerative functions.
  • After the preparatory measures, spring processing of trees and shrubs begins.

The procedures are carried out in several stages:

  • until the kidneys swell;
  • before the flowering of plants (so that the inflorescences do not die, the concentration of the preparations is made weak);
  • the last spraying is carried out at the end of May, after the trees stop blooming, fruits begin to set. Therefore, the answer to the question of how you can spray trees during the flowering period from pests is obvious - nothing.

Important! During the flowering of the garden, it is unacceptable to use insecticides, fungicides. You can take bio-substances that will stimulate the formation of fruits or use folk methods. Ovary is usually used.

Spraying fruit trees from pests

Processing tools

Each gardener chooses his own methods of protecting the garden. Today it is not difficult, because there are a large number of disinfectants, medicinal preparations suitable for different periods.

Note! All solutions must be prepared before use, otherwise they can damage plants, while remaining harmless to insects.

How to spray trees and shrubs in the spring from pests? Ready-made store or folk remedies are suitable.

Chemical compositions

Such substances are considered the most effective, since:

  • act quickly;
  • perfectly soluble in water;
  • the effect lasts for a long time;
  • each substance has its own decomposition period;
  • can be used at low temperatures: from 5 ° C.

Thus, the first treatments are best done with them.

Among all the variety that can be used to treat fruit trees in early spring from diseases and pests, the most common are:

Diesel fuel

You need to use it at a certain time and extremely carefully, otherwise you can destroy the plants. Be sure to wear gloves, closed clothing, and a respirator.

They begin to spray the trees when there is still snow in some places, and there are no buds on the branches.In autumn, it is recommended to carry out the procedure, after all the leaves fall off, the first frosts will come.

Diesel fuel

Such a petroleum product cannot be used in its pure form. It should be diluted in a large amount of water, adding any other substances that neutralize the harmful effects of diesel fuel.

You can make this mixture. Its concentration will be no more than 50%:

  • solarium - 10 parts;
  • water - 9 parts;
  • Laundry soap, grated - 1 part.

Copper sulfate

It is used no more than 2 times a year. The first spraying is done in early spring before the buds appear, otherwise all young foliage may die.

The product is also used if the trees have cracks that need to be disinfected.

Important! Plants should be sprayed again at the end of October. This will protect fruit crops from scab, philostecosis, moniliosis, clusteroporosis, curliness.

A young tree (no more than 6 years old) requires 2 liters of the mixture, an adult specimen - 10 liters. Prepare such a composition for primary processing: copper sulfate, lime (0.3 kg per 10 liters of water). Mix everything together, insist for 48 hours. Then boil for 45 minutes, filter, add 1 bucket of water.

Copper sulfate

The next irrigation will require the same substances, only in reduced quantities (0.1 kg per 10 liters of water). All manipulations are repeated according to the previous scheme.


If the garden is filled with old fruit trees, then spraying is carried out in early spring, as well as late autumn (300 g per 10 liters of water). The substance successfully fights against cytosporosis, septosporosis, black cancer, harmful insects, mosses, lichens. Promotes increased fruit yields and enriches plants with iron.

Bordeaux liquid

It is used when there are unblown buds on the branches. Make a solution: dry vitriol (50 g), lime (0.2 kg), water (1 bucket). All ingredients are mixed and pollinated into the trees.

Bordeaux liquid

Specimen for examination 30

Experienced summer residents are advised to spray trees with a solution in early spring or late autumn (0.2 liters of substance per 10 liters of water). It will help get rid of aphids, whiteflies, leafworms, ticks and other insects hibernating in the bark of trees.

Note!Substance 30 is very effective, it can be used no more than once in 3 seasons.


She treats trunks, branches 1 week after the completion of flowering of fruit crops, as well as in the pre-winter.

To spray trees in spring, you should take urea (0.5 kg), copper sulfate (1 matchbox), water (10 l).

The autumn composition is made after the plants have shed half the foliage (0.25 kg of substance per 10 liters of water). But you can process trees when the leaves fall completely. Then the solution is made more saturated (8%). In this case, both the plant and the soil are irrigated. In addition, the product will fertilize the ground.


We should also mention the old proven tools.

  • Spark (10 ml per 1 liter of water). Apply after the plants have faded. The tool protects the garden from sucking, gnawing insects, moths, leafworms, scoops, sawflies, and other pests.
  • Karbofos (90 g per 10 l of water - for fruit trees and 70 g - for berry bushes) will protect plants from caterpillars, aphids, ticks, weevils, moths, scale insects. The first time is sprayed when the buds open, the second time before flowering.

Important!Plants should be processed in dry, sunny weather. The rain will wash away all the substances and the work will be done in vain.

Biological control measures

Recently, these methods of controlling pests and diseases have become more and more popular. They have a number of advantages:

  • do not accumulate in the ground, fruits;
  • do not burn plants;
  • they can be used in small quantities.


  • act slowly;
  • used at temperatures above 10 ° C.

The most famous of them:

  • trichodermin is used during the period of bud appearance (effectively fights scab, various types of rot);
  • the pentaphage protects against perforated spotting, bacterial cancer;
  • planriz against powdery mildew, leaf rust, lepidoptera pests;
  • phytodoctor prevents late blight, fusarium, root rot;
  • phytosporin M suppresses fungal, bacterial infections;
  • gaupsin - a universal drug against diseases, insects;
  • mycosan forms a thin film on trees from pathogenic microorganisms.

Folk remedies

Many owners of summer cottages use ecological methods to protect fruit crops. They can be used simultaneously with chemicals (at any time). The following are used:

  • various types of weeds (celandine, wormwood);
  • spicy herbs: dill, thyme, horseradish, fennel;
  • coniferous needles;
  • tomato, potato tops;
  • chamomile, nettle;
  • salt, mustard powder;
  • garlic, bitter pepper.

Here are some recipes.

  • Bitter wormwood (400 g per 10 liters of water). Boil for 30 minutes, add 40 g of green or laundry soap, and then spray the trees.
  • Chamomile infusion (200 g per 1 liter of water). Leave for 10 - 12 hours, and then drain the resulting solution. Pour the remaining herbal mass with 5 liters of water and leave for another 13 hours. Combine both compositions together and spray the crown.
  • Bitter pepper. Prepare an infusion (1 kg of fruit per 10 liters of water). Leave for 48 hours. The resulting mass is boiled for 1 hour, cooled and poured into containers with tight lids. Used as needed throughout the season. Laundry soap is added before irrigation (80 g per 1 bucket of water).
  • Tansy. Herbal powder (0.7 kg per 10 liters of boiling water) is infused for 4 days, then boiled for 15 minutes, filtered and added to 1 bucket of water. Fruit plantations are processed several times a season.
  • Watered plants are sprinkled with tobacco, as well as dried, finely chopped onions, garlic, dandelion.


Important! To scare off parasites, you can plant odorous flowers of nasturtium, marigolds in your summer cottage.

Summer and autumn processing

Fruit trees must be cultivated throughout the growing season. Therefore, when summer comes, pest control must be continued. You should not use chemicals during this period. It is better to use trapping belts, liquid sweet baits, where insects will flock. You also need to collect the carrion.

With the arrival of autumn, garden work continues. After the fall leaves, the fallen leaves are removed, the damaged branches are cut off, the trapping belts are removed, the trunks are dug up, the trunks and skeletal branches are whitened. They also get rid of dead bark, burn plant debris, pest nests. Trees are treated with the same preparations as in spring.

If you follow all the recommendations, you can protect your garden from various insect pests, diseases, and he, in turn, will delight its owners with delicious fruits.