Cherry and cherry, cherry and plum hybrids

The cherry variety crossed with the sweet cherry appeared by accident, as a result of pollination. Then a very tasty berry appeared, which in common people is called sweet cherry. In England, the tree was named May Duke, which means "May Duke". Cherry crossed with sweet cherry what is called in Russia? We have only got accustomed to the last part of the English name - Duke, or Duke. By the way, our gardeners fell in love with the cherry-sweet cherry hybrid because it is very frost-resistant and resistant to many diseases that its closest relatives suffer from.

The hybrid was brought to Russia in the 30s of the last century. For 60 years, Russian gardeners have successfully crossed different varieties of cherries and sweet cherries. Therefore, the catalog of cherry-cherry hybrids has been significantly replenished. That is, different regions can choose the varieties of dukes that are suitable specifically for their weather and climatic conditions.

Gardeners crossed cherries not only with sweet cherries. There are cherry and plum hybrids. With their taste, they can surprise even an inveterate gourmet, and with their characteristics they will delight any gardener. A hybrid of cherry and plum gives fruit already in the second year after planting in a permanent habitat. The undersized hybrid reaches a maximum height of 2.7 meters. Plum cherries are very fertile, let gardeners not be afraid that they are late in color, during the height of the season their branches will bend towards the ground under the weight of the berries.

Most varieties of ducks cannot self-pollinate, therefore, very often they are on the site as a decorative decoration, since the abundant color of the tree is simply empty. The berries taste more like cherries, and the leaves look more like cherries in appearance. It is better to plant the ducks surrounded by cherries and cherries, since the dukes are not pollinated well enough among themselves.

Cherry and cherry hybrid

Planting and caring for sweet cherries

On the site, if space permits, cherries, sweet cherries and hybrids are best planted in heaps. It is best to plant them in a sunny place, closed from through winds. Disembarkation is carried out on hills, as they cannot stand high humidity. The root system begins to rot, and then disappears altogether, respectively, the tree dies. It is recommended to purchase seedlings in specialized stores, so as not to become victims of scammers who, under the guise of dukes, can sell ordinary wild game.

It is advisable that for each seedling on the box in which they are planted there is appropriate information about the age, name, pollinator variety, etc. Particular attention should be paid to the root system. It should be strong and well developed. It should be inspected for external damage. If there are none, you should also inspect the cut. It should be white.

According to the characteristics of berries, the Kormilitsa variety is considered the best duke. When planting the Nurse, you should monitor the acidity of the soil. Neutral acidity is considered optimal. Neutral acidity can be achieved by adding a lime solution to the soil or mixing the soil with sand, in a one-to-one ratio.

The ease of planting these hybrids is due to the fact that you can not waste time choosing a top dressing. Cherry does not perceive increased feeding.For the winter, it is recommended to wrap the tree only in the first year of life in a new place, so that it has time to form a dense bark that will protect the duke from external stimuli, such as high or low temperatures.

The trees should be about 5 meters apart from each other. In the dug hole, the dimensions of which should be 80x80 cm, add 300 grams of superphosphate and 3 glasses of ash. After planting, 2 buckets of not very cold water are poured under the seedling. In the first year of life, the tree needs watering 3 times a month. Dukes normally tolerate the lack of water, so an adult tree does not need special watering.

Top dressing of dykes

The culture should be fed only 2 times a year. The first feeding is carried out at the beginning of June, fed with nitrogen fertilizers dissolved in a bucket of water. The second feeding should be done in the fall, before the first frost. In autumn, the tree needs phosphate fertilizers.

The stem of the tree must be constantly open. If it is covered with earth, the tree will grow and develop worse. For the northern regions of Russia, where the temperature in winter is too low, Spartanka cherry is recommended. The characteristics of this variety indicate that it is the most frost-resistant.

Note! After planting, the seedling must be pruned. The first pruning leaves about 70 cm of the main trunk. Weak branches are subject to complete pruning, and strong ones are cut by 1/3 part. Hybrids should be rejuvenated once every five years. This will increase the yield and plant immunity. Duck seedlings can be shaped. Bushy ducks are considered the best option.

Bushy ducks

Particular attention should be paid to the hole. It is necessary to ensure that there are no weeds in the hole, so that the earth is loose. Caring for the near-stem circle is best done immediately after watering. It is very good if the soil is mulched in the hole. Hay works well as mulch. It will retain moisture and protect the roots from sudden temperature fluctuations.

The best time to plant a hybrid is early spring, but the soil needs to be warm enough. If you plant a hybrid tree at this time, the root system will have time to get stronger by the first frost and survive the winter safely.

If rodents often walk on the site in winter, it is better to wrap the tree trunk, since rodents often leave the trunk without bark, and this is fraught with a Duke's reaction to external stimuli in the form of a sharp temperature jump.

The Rubinovka variety is famous for the fact that bright red berries grow in the crown of a tree so that they are inaccessible to birds. Cherry Miracle cherry has a high immunity. It is resistant to many diseases, which are very often affected by various types of dukes. The Fakel variety is no more than 4 m high. The fruit taste is at a high level. It tolerates low temperatures well. Resistant to many diseases.


Cherry and cherry hybrid - duke for the Moscow region

Given the temperature regime of the Moscow Region, varieties of dukes called:

  • Nurse;
  • Zhukovskaya;
  • Strong;
  • In memory of Vavilov, etc.

Sweet cherry duke Nurse tree of medium height. Differs in high productivity. The trunk is dark brown. The leaves are more reminiscent of cherry, rich green color. The berries are large. The average weight of one fruit is within 8 grams. The berries are dark red, sweet and sour in taste. The pollinator can be any sort of cherry or sweet cherry. Iput cherry varieties are especially recommended.

Also in the Moscow region, the Cherry Strong has taken root very well. Cherry cherry Strong, according to the description of the variety, is similar to the duke cherry cherry Nursery. The difference exists in the speed of fruit ripening. Variety Strong early maturing. The fruits are well transported. The berries have good storage performance.

Duke advantages and disadvantages

When buying saplings of dukes, it is very difficult to determine whether a duck is a cherry or a cherry. Beginners should know that cherry hybrids have a pyramidal crown.

Because of the mixture of taste, the berry is very fond of gardeners.The fruit is sour, although there is a pronounced sweet taste.

Duke advantages and disadvantages

The peculiarity of this hybrid is that the berry does not fall off the branches, even when overripe. Many gardeners are wondering: is cherry a hybrid of what? It turns out that sweet cherries are an ancient variety of sweet cherries. Therefore, growing a cherry cherry hybrid does not require any special effort. Care for her is required the same as for cherries. Some varieties of dukes are more resistant to low temperatures than cherries, but less resistant than cherries.

The disadvantages of dukes include self-infertility. Based on this, it follows that trees should not be sprayed with preparations based on chemical compounds during flowering, since insects, which are pollinators, can die along with infections and pests.

Hybrid trees often turn out to be immune to many diseases that affect their closest relatives, in this case cherries and cherries. Even a cherry fly does not hit the dukes.

Dukes are very widespread in the Russian Federation, due to their winter hardiness and high quality fruits. There are varieties that can rightly be called early, there are hybrids that will give a late harvest. In any case, cherries or cherries, which bloom at the same time with them, should grow next to the ducks, so that pollination occurs simultaneously.