The Lobo apple variety has long been widespread as a horticultural crop. The advantage of the tree is its unpretentiousness, large fruits with a sweet taste and good yields. Apples ripen in autumn, harvest occurs every year.

General information about culture

This variety first appeared in Canada, based on the Macintosh apple variety. After free pollination, another variety was born called Lobo. Often it is also called the Ottawa apple tree. After being entered into the State Register, they became an industrial grade.

Currently, Lobo is successfully growing in the eastern part of Russia, the Baltic states and the Belarusian Republic. Since 1979, Lobo has been officially considered a frost-resistant variety.

Note! Lobo first appeared in the Canadian capital Ottawa in 1906.

The Lobo apple tree is resistant to drought and low temperatures. If the area is not too high humidity, the tree practically does not get sick. Sometimes scab or powdery mildew attacks the apple tree.

Characteristics and description of the Lobo apple variety

The fruit has an excellent dessert taste with a sweet caramel note. They are flat-rounded in shape, the weight of each fruit is on average from 100 to 180 g. The color of the peel is yellowish-green, has a red or brownish blush. The pulp of the fruit is sweet and sour white in color.

Apple Lobo

Lobo apples contain many beneficial trace elements. Among them:

  • Vitamin C;
  • Titratable acids;
  • Dry elements.

The total calorie content of one apple is 47 kcal / 100 g. It should be eaten raw. Delicious sweets are obtained from this variety, for example, marshmallows, jams, preserves and compotes.

According to the description of the Ottawa (Lobo) apple tree, the tree grows to a maximum of 4 m, belongs to the medium-sized species. The planted seedlings are quickly accepted. The tree belongs to pollinated crops, the leaves on it are medium-sized, heart-shaped, with a bright green color.

Fruits appear 3-4 years after planting the seedlings, and if budding was carried out (peephole grafting), then after 6-7 years. After that, the variety will bear fruit every year. Up to 360 kg of apples can be harvested from one tree. From year to year, the yield will increase at a slow pace, especially if the year was warm and rainy.

The Lobo apple tree is a very productive variety.

Growing the Lobo variety

In spring, young trees are planted, which are no more than two years old. If the age of the apple tree has passed this mark, it is better to plant the tree in the autumn. In this case, the culture takes root faster and easily tolerates winter cold.

The requirements for site selection are as follows:

  • It must be well lit, the ground well drained and well dug up.
  • Lowlands or windy places are not suitable for planting.
  • Groundwater should lie at a depth of no higher than 100 cm. It is good if there is sandy loam or loam on the site.

The distance between the planted trees should be 4-5 meters. If cuttings are available, they are grafted onto old boles.

You need to dig up the ground in advance, removing dry grass, roots and weeds. Fertilizers should be added to the soil, they can be mineral or organic. For 1 sq. meter of soil will need 5-6 kg of manure or humus. For acidic soils, lime or dolomite flour is added.

Planting an apple tree.

Before planting, all seedlings are inspected for damage, dry branches and roots are removed. They are pre-soaked in water for a couple of hours and then dipped into a clay solution.

So that the air is completely squeezed out of the soil, the planting pit is filled with water, so the seedlings will be compressed by the earth on all sides. A young apple tree is lowered into a hole and covered with earth, after which the soil is slightly compacted.

Important! Any early varieties can be suitable for pollination of apple trees. Fruits appear in late autumn, closer to winter.


Top dressing is added in late spring or early summer, it should contain nitrogen-containing fertilizers. They will stimulate the growth of the home Lobo apple tree.

Top dressing of an apple tree

When the tree has already reached the period of fruit emergence, it will be necessary to add top dressing to the ground containing the following substances:

  • Urea.
  • Mineral.
  • Nitrogen-containing.
  • Organic.
  • In the summer, you will need ash, compost and potassium fertilizers.

Further care

The soil near the varietal Lobo apple tree should always be loosened and watered. The first ovaries need to be removed, this is done so that the plant first grows stronger.

The further appearance of the Lobo variety will depend on high-quality pruning. The crown is formed from the main shoots of the first and second rows.

If the area is characterized by harsh winters, the culture is insulated in cold weather. This is protection not only from frost, but also from the attack of rodents.

The fruits of the Lobo variety are early ripening. The first harvest of fruit can be harvested 3-4 years after planting. Due to the severity and number of fruits, the branches bend strongly and if they are not supported, they can break.

Note! Since the Lobo apple tree is often attacked by scab or powdery mildew, preventive measures must be taken. To do this, in the spring, the tree is treated with preparations containing copper. Then they are re-sprayed with fungicides (the most effective are "Skora" or "Horus")

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Lobo variety, like other types of apple trees, has advantages and disadvantages.

The Lobo apple tree tolerates drought and frost well.

First, it is worth analyzing what advantages, in comparison with other varieties, the Lobo variety has:

  • The regularity of fruiting of the winter Lobo apple tree and the generosity of the harvest.
  • The apples of this variety are very large.
  • The fruits are distinguished by excellent taste.
  • During transportation, the fruits do not lose their taste and visual appeal.
  • The apple tree tolerates drought and frost well.

Now we need to highlight the disadvantages of the variety:

  • Fruits are stored for a short time, no more than 3 months.
  • The heat is difficult to bear.
  • They often succumb to various diseases, especially scab and powdery mildew. This can happen if the weather is wet or rainy for several days in a row with relative warmth.
  • If another tree was grafted, then the fruits can only be seen for 6-7 years.

The Lobo variety is preferred by both farmers on large farms and amateur gardeners. The tree tolerates drought and frost well, but is often attacked by scab. The fruits of the Lobo apple tree are sweet and juicy, but their shelf life is short.