Apple trees grow in almost every summer cottage. These are many beloved and incredibly healthy fruits with a universal purpose. The Apple tree Krasa Sverdlovsk (Sverdlovsk beauty) is one of the brightest representatives of these fruit trees. It belongs to winter self-infertile varieties, was obtained by Sverdlovsk breeders in the 70s. For the first time at the All-Union Exhibition, the variety was presented in 1979.

Apple tree Sverdlovsk beauty: variety description

Grows in the Middle and South Urals, in the Upper Volga region and central regions of Russia. Abundant fruiting was also noted in Altai and Western Siberia. In these places, the stale form of apples is grown. Regular and abundant fruiting occurs 6-7 years after planting the seedling. Subject to all the rules of agricultural technology and favorable climatic conditions, up to 200 quintals of excellent apples can be harvested from 1 hectare.

Beauty of Sverdlovsk (Beauty of the Urals) is a well-known and popular apple tree. The fruits are characterized by a rounded-conical shape, the weight of one apple can vary from 150 to 300 g. The apple variety was bred by domestic scientists-breeders, intended for cultivation in the Central region of Russia. The slate form allows you to plant and grow the plant in Siberia.

Apple tree Krasa Sverdlovsk

Important! According to the description, the apple tree Krasa Sverdlovsk is self-fertile. Other apple varieties must be growing nearby for cross-pollination.

The fruit tree is medium-sized, the shape of the crown is round. The main branches are uneven, the color of the bark is brown. The branches are located at an angle of almost 90 degrees relative to the stem. The fruits are formed on ringlets and twigs. The shoots of the culture are brown, rather thick. They are characterized by subtle edges, cranking and pubescence. The leaves are characterized by a heart-shaped shape, the color is dark green, they have a wrinkled glossy surface.

With the onset of spring, the tree wakes up, flowers of white and pink shades of rather large sizes begin to form, they exude a pleasant aroma. The buds of this type of plants have a distinctive feature - they are painted in burgundy tones.

The main feature of the variety is the excellent taste and presentation of fully ripe fruits. Due to the rather dense peel, ripe apples can be stored for a long time without losing their taste and useful properties. The crop can be transported over long distances.

The apple tree Krasa Sverdlovsk perfectly holds on the branches even when ripe, it will wait for the moment of harvest. The variety has average resistance to diseases and insect pests. Frost resistance in the fruit variety is insufficient.

The highest concentration of nutrients is in fresh fruits

The chemical composition of the fruit:

  • The concentration of dry insoluble substances in fruits does not exceed 20%.
  • The amount of sugars is no more than 15%.
  • The concentration of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) varies from 18 to 30 mg.

In addition, the composition of the crop includes catechins, their amount is 301-406 mg.

Note!The fruits of this variety are indicated for use by people with diagnosed hypertension and vitamin deficiency. The highest concentration of nutrients is in fresh fruits, but they can also be dried, frozen and processed for winter harvesting.


Trees are unpretentious in care, it differs little from other varieties of apples.

Seedlings can be planted in the fall, a few weeks before frost or in spring before the buds swell. The most successful place for landing is abundantly lit, protected from gusts of wind, and on hills. The variety is rather picky about the composition of the soil, it is recommended to use fertile, loamy soils.

For spring plantings, the pit must be prepared in advance in the fall, for pre-winter planting - a month in advance. Complex mineral or organic fertilizers, rotted compost, manure and wood ash are introduced into the pit, sprinkle with soil on top. A high stake is installed in the center of the pit - this will be a support for a young seedling. It is lowered into a recess, the root system is carefully straightened, sprinkled with soil and carefully tamped. Next, you need to form a near-trunk circle and frame them with a roller. After that, you will need to water the plant abundantly (at least 20-30 liters). This is necessary in order for the soil to tightly envelop the root system.

It is necessary to use fertile, loamy soils

Important! When planting fruit trees, an interval of at least 5-6 meters should be maintained.

You should also remember:

  • In order for the plant to overwinter and withstand severe weather, insulation of the trunk and skeletal branches is required.
  • The tree needs regular and abundant watering.
  • It is required to carry out competent pruning, thinning of ovaries and pinching of summer shoots.
  • Fruits ripen in September-October, they ripen during storage.
  • They are grown in the north and in Moscow, but due to insufficiently high frost resistance, it is necessary to strictly follow all the rules of agricultural technology.

The plant should be watered at least four times during the growing season. The apple tree responds well to top dressing, including root feeding. Adapts to various environmental conditions. It is recommended to put props under the branches covered with fruits. In areas with unfavorable climatic conditions, stlanes are formed in the lowlands.

With the onset of spring, sanitary and formative pruning is carried out, it must be done before the juices begin to move.

You should trim:

  • Branches growing inside the crown, parallel to the ground and thickening it.
  • Damaged, dry, non-fruiting and frost-bitten branches.

It is advisable to form a sparse rounded shape.

Important!The harvest will be more abundant, and the fruit larger and sweeter, if the annual shoots are carefully trimmed and pinched each year.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The Krasa Sverdlovskaya apple variety has a large list of advantages that more than cover the disadvantages. Thanks to them, the variety is in such great demand among agronomists and gardeners.

Ripe fruits

Main advantages:

  • Good indicators of resistance to fungal, viral and infectious diseases, as well as insect pests.
  • Excellent taste and attractive appearance.
  • The ability to transport fruits over long distances.
  • Good keeping quality.
  • One-dimensionality.
  • Ripe fruits are kept on the branches until harvest.

Unfortunately, there are few shortcomings, but they are. Gardeners note one significant one - the average indicators of winter hardiness.

The Krasa Sverdlovskaya apple variety is one of the most demanded and widespread winter varieties. It has a large number of advantages, is unpretentious in care, so even a novice agronomist can grow it.