Cucumbers Druzhnaya Semeyka (Merry Semeyka) are selectively bred hybrids that do not require pollination and have excellent taste. Parthenocarpic cucumber varieties were developed in the 20th century by scientists from China and Japan, and have since become very popular. It should be said right away that such cucumbers have one drawback: they do not give seeds, so you will have to buy seeds every year for planting.

Description and features of the variety

Cucumbers A friendly family have an early ripening period, from the appearance of shoots they begin to bear fruit in 40-45 days. The bushes are medium-sized, indeterminate (unlimited growth), so they can bear fruit for a long time. The variety is fairly resistant to disease, like most hybrids.

Cucumbers A friendly family

Cucumber Merry family belongs to the type of bundle: on the main stem - 2-4 ovaries, and on the side ones - 6-8. The cucumber reaches a size of 10-12 cm, but can be harvested at the pickle stage (5 cm), the weight of one cucumber is 70-100 grams. The surface has tubercles and white thorns, the leaves are bright green, cylindrical in shape, up to 3 cm in diameter. This variety is recommended for growing in a greenhouse, where its yield reaches 10 kg per square meter. (sometimes more)


The temperature in the greenhouse should be at least 15 degrees, the soil should be moist, loose and well manicured. If the greenhouse is heated, you can start planting in February, with solar heating - in May. In sunny regions - at the end of April. You can use seedlings: grow at home on the windowsill for about a month and only then plant them in the soil. It is necessary to transplant from boxes into the ground only after the soil warms up well, and the temperature at night will be above zero. Otherwise, the cucumbers will simply freeze and not bear fruit.


Before planting, the soil must be watered, the seeds must be added no deeper than 2-3 cm, the distance between the holes must be at least 30 cm, and between the rows - about 120 cm.

Important! The soil must be moist, otherwise seedlings can not wait.


Watering the beds is necessary 3 times a week with warm water (25 degrees), watering at the root, otherwise you can damage the stem and leaves. It is advisable to water not with plain water, but with organic fertilizers, so the harvest will be of better quality. The proportions of fertilization are indicated on the packages, usually a couple of teaspoons per 10-15 liter bucket of water is enough.

Correct care

Important! If the plants don't get enough moisture, the fruit will grow bitter. If preserved, the bitterness will go away, but fresh they will not taste good.

To get a high yield, you need to do tying and pinching. To do this, you need to pull the wire to a height of 2 meters and fix the plant under 2-4 leaves. You need to tie it up carefully so as not to crush the delicate stems. Although it is believed that for parthenocarpic varieties, a garter is not necessary.

Top dressing

Top dressing is highly desirable, but not required. There are several effective options for feeding cucumbers:

  • Ash. You can simply sprinkle ash on the ground at the base of the stem, or prepare a simple ash solution. A glass of ash is needed for a bucket of water; when watering, insoluble ash particles should also fall on the ground.
  • Mullein. If you fertilize with mullein, you can get a significant increase in yield. It is necessary to take fresh manure and mix with water in a ratio of 1: 3, let the mass brew for 10 days and ferment, and then dilute 1 liter of such fertilizer in 10 liters of water. Pour into pre-prepared grooves, which are then covered with earth.
  • Yeast. Dilute 100 g of fresh yeast in 10 liters of water and fertilize immediately.If you take dry, a bag (10 grams) for 10 liters and a couple of tablespoons of sugar. The solution should be allowed to stand for 2 hours.

Cucumbers Veselaya Semeyka are famous for their excellent taste and rich harvest; ideal for preservation or pickling.