Chicken manure is a long-known natural effective fertilizer for vegetables and other crops. Knowing how to feed cucumbers with chicken droppings, you can provide them with affordable complex nutrition for the entire season.

Feeding cucumbers with chicken droppings improves the fruiting of cucumbers. It is necessary to apply fertilizer at all stages of a cucumber's life: planting, flowering, formation of ovaries, growth of fruits.

Benefits of chicken manure as fertilizer

  • He is completely natural.
  • Contains all the trace elements necessary for cucumbers.
  • Easily absorbed by crops.
  • Increases productivity by 30-50%.
  • Accelerates the process of appearance and ripening of fruits by 2 weeks;
  • Improves plant immunity such as diseases such as late blight, root rot, fusarium.
  • Improves the quality of the soil, prevents mold from appearing on its surface.
  • Improves plant metabolism and the vortex in the ground.
  • Suitable for almost all crops.
  • Useful properties in the ground after fertilization are preserved for 3 years, so it is enough to fertilize the soil with chicken droppings every few years.

Microelements required for cucumber

Cucumbers in the garden

In order to get a good harvest, the cucumber must receive sufficient micronutrients.


This is one of the most important elements for cucumbers, it helps the culture to grow and develop correctly, to form even and strong ovaries, and tasty fruits. This is because nitrogen is rich in proteins for "building" the nucleus and cytoplasm of cells, as well as compounds important for plants.

Attention! Nitrogen must be added to the soil in combination with molybdenum and iron. These microelements are also necessary for cucumbers, and nitrogen in combination with them will not accumulate in the fruits.

Shortage signs:

  • yellowing of the leaves (especially the lower ones);
  • stopping the growth and development of the plant;
  • cucumbers brighten and thicken at the stalk.


Potassium should be fed to cucumbers for the correct appearance of the fruit and good taste, as well as to increase the yield and immunity of the crop.

Chicken droppings

Shortage signs:

  • irregular shape of the cucumber, its thickening, curvature;
  • leaves grow very quickly;
  • the leaves have a yellow border (especially pronounced in the lower ones).

If there is not enough potassium, it comes from the soil and spreads unevenly throughout the plant. That is why the foliage becomes thick and large, and the fruit becomes curved.


Phosphorus is needed for cucumbers constantly, at all stages of development. It helps to form the ovary, stimulates growth, accelerates fruit ripening, helps the development of a strong root system.

The cucumber really needs phosphorus during the period of inflorescence formation.

Shortage signs:

  • darkening of new leaves;
  • new leaves are smaller than old ones;
  • the whips grow slowly.


Calcium is a material for "building" cell membranes and walls. Therefore, the ovaries and flowers fall off, and the fruits become tasteless.


Chicken droppings help the cucumbers by saturating them with trace elements

It is a beneficial supplement rather than a required micronutrient. It is used for better absorption of nitrogen by the plant, while not harming the soil.

Shortage signs:

  • the plant drops flowers;
  • leaves curl;
  • the taste of the fruit deteriorates.

Microelements contained in chicken manure

All of the above trace elements are contained in this substance, and it contains more of them than in many other organic fertilizers, for example, in mullein or sheep manure.

Microelements contained in chicken manureContent (percentage,%)
Nitrogen0,24 %
Phosphorus0,21 %
Potassium0,12 %
IronUp to 0.3%
MolybdenumAbout 0.07 mg / kg.
SulfurAbout 40-42 mg / kg.
Calcium1 %
Dry matter5-8 %

Chicken manure for cucumbers in the open field is an irreplaceable source of trace elements.

Dry chicken manure

A dry mix has many advantages over a liquid mix. It is obtained by drying and granulating regular chicken manure.


  • Odorless.
  • Liquid manure loses about half of its nitrogen during storage. And this is one of the most important elements that has a beneficial effect on crops such as tomato, cucumber, eggplant, and zucchini.
  • The liquid substance contains a large number of helminths, insect larvae, weed seeds, bacteria and microorganisms, which can lead to the appearance of certain diseases in the plant, but in dry matter this is not the case.
  • The dry mixture retains its beneficial properties for 6 months.
  • The granules are easier to apply.

A dry ready-mix is ​​much easier to use than a liquid one. And it will not harm the roots and there are much more ways to feed the plants with this fertilizer.

Dry chicken manure granulated

Mode of application:

  1. Pour the granules into a container and dilute with water at the rate of 1 part of the concentrated mixture to 4 parts of water.
  2. Cover and leave for 14 days.
  3. After that, you will need to dilute the mixture with water at the rate of 1:50.

Drizzle the cucumbers outdoors with a solution of chicken droppings. If the soil is mulched, you can sprinkle dry droppings on it. It is also recommended to sprinkle fertilizer between the open field beds. In the rain, the fertilizer will be absorbed into the ground. It is better to fertilize the soil in autumn, so it will become fertile and richer in useful microelements.

The dry matter can be placed directly into the wells during transplanting.


Compost combined with droppings will also be useful for you.

Compost is a fertilizer made from decayed vegetation. They begin to harvest it in the summer to fertilize the land in the fall. It helps minerals to be absorbed more easily, improves metabolism, reduces soil acidity and improves its quality.

You can also add droppings to the compost heap. The layer of vegetation and droppings should be 20-30 cm, and hay, straw, sawdust should be laid on top.


Advice! You can cover the top of the compost heap, then the temperature will remain high inside and the smell will practically disappear.

This fertilizer is applied in autumn or spring during plowing. It is best to do this in the fall, since the substances will be evenly distributed under the snow for a long time, and when the snow melts, the water will help the fertilizer to be better absorbed. In this way, poultry droppings are used for cucumbers only outdoors. True, this method is only suitable for open ground. In the polycarbonate greenhouse and greenhouse, other fertilization methods are used.

How to breed dry droppings for top dressing

If using dry matter is not suitable, you can prepare liquid from dry.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the granulated mixture into a large container.
  2. To fill with water.
  3. Put in a warm place for 14 days, you need to make sure that the fertilizer does not ferment.
  4. Then you need to dilute the mixture with water in a ratio of 1:20 (1 part of the mixture to 20 parts of water).
  5. Water the crops (such a solution has a good effect on cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, cabbage) at the root of 500 ml. After fertilization, you need to water the beds frequently.

Attention!To make the mass odorless during fermentation, you need to add ferrous sulfate to the solution. It will help get rid of a number of pests and provide additional benefits.

Liquid chicken droppings

An infusion of natural droppings can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. You need to take the required amount of excrement.
  2. Add the mixture to a bucket of water and stir.
  3. Pour the infusion into a watering can.
  4. Water the cucumbers so that the solution does not get on the leaves and stems, if possible, away from the roots.
  5. After feeding, the cucumber bed must be well watered with clean, settled water, washed off the drops of solution from the leaves and stems.

Liquid chicken droppings

The remains of chicken manure for cucumber solution can be fed to fruit bushes and trees. This will help get rid of some weeds and pests.

Tips for using chicken manure for cucumber

  • Feeding with chicken manure should be done with care for cucumbers, so as not to harm the root system of the cucumbers.
  • Another way to fertilize with dry granules is to add peat to them. This will improve the shelf life and storage conditions of chicken manure, and also simplify the procedure for its introduction into the soil: it will be enough to pour the dry mixture on the ground and with rain and watering it will be absorbed into the soil.
  • It is important to store the mixture properly. It is better to do it in the above way, with peat or in a compost heap. The fertilizer ripens well in combination with the manure of other animals, while the layer should be 5 cm. The fertilizer will be ready in 1.5 months. Usually they begin to cook it in June in order to be in time by the fall.
  • By itself, chicken excrement can harm both plants and the human body. To plants - since it contains substances with a very high concentration, they can burn the roots. To humans - as there are many helminths, larvae, harmful microorganisms and bacteria in clean chicken excrement, which can cause various diseases in humans. That is why you need to work with gloves and, if possible, a mask and a special suit. And the plants immediately after feeding must be well watered with clean, settled water.
  • In greenhouse conditions, you need to be even more careful with the use of chicken manure, due to the small area, high temperature and the lack of constant circulation of fresh air.

Thus, chicken manure for cucumber helps to achieve excellent yields, provided that this fertilizer is used correctly.