Belarusian breeders work tirelessly, supplying more and more new varieties of potatoes to the market. The key requirements for this plant by modern gardeners are stable yield and resistance to major diseases. This is what the recently bred Manifesto potato possesses.

Anyone who has at least a small piece of land must plant potatoes there. The requirements for the selected varieties are presented individually and depend on for what purposes and in what quantities the culture is grown. Summer residents, as a rule, prefer early varieties for young tubers. The Manifest variety is ideal for this.

Variety history

This potato is the fruit of the labor of Belarusian breeders. It was included in the State Register in 2014. Work on the breeding of the variety was carried out until 2012, after which the procedure for documenting and entering into the State Register began. The developer of the Manifesto is V.L. Makhanko, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences. Unfortunately, the scientist does not disclose to a wide circle of people the secret of how exactly he got his unique potato, he reliably protected it with copyright, but the result of the work of V.L. already used throughout the middle lane. Among the mid-early varieties, the Manifest is the most productive.

Manifest potatoes - one of the best modern varieties of Belarusian selection

Manifest potatoes - one of the best modern varieties of Belarusian selection

Description of the variety

Manifesto variety of potatoes whose characteristics immediately attracts attention and forces you to closely examine the advantages and disadvantages. The bushes reach a height of half a meter, the leaves are small, have an emerald color. The surface is even, the edges are slightly jagged. The flower stalks are colored blue-lilac. The brightest color is present on the inside of the buds.

The manifesto is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and high yield

The manifesto is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and high yield

Varietal Manifesto potatoes are characterized by elongated tubers with rounded edges. The eyes are small, the skin is pink. The flesh of the root vegetable is colored in a delicate amber color. One tuber reaches a weight of 100-150 grams. Starch is contained in the range of 11-15%.

This varietal potato is a representative of medium early root crops. A distinctive feature of the Manifesto is its high yield. It is possible to collect up to 350 centners of high quality tubers from one hectare. With proper care and accompanying weather conditions, this figure rises to 460 centners. Potato keeping quality is very good and is about 95%. This makes it possible to cultivate the variety commercially.

When stored in a cool room, the Manifesto lasts for six months. The quality of this potato is estimated at 80-97%. Shows increased resistance to mechanical damage. Suitable for long distance transportation. The taste is excellent, it does not fall apart during heat treatment. The purpose of the variety is table.

Growing features

The description of the variety indicates that the Manifesto does not require special attention and growing conditions. Although there is a certain peculiarity in the cultivation procedure. Pre-germinated and prepared tubers are planted in the beds in early May. It is this time that seems to be the best for the further maturation of the culture. If you are a week late, your productivity will drop dramatically.With earlier plantings, seedlings can be destroyed by night frosts.

 With an intensive type of potato cultivation, the Manifest must be fertilized in a timely manner and correctly to obtain a high yield

With an intensive type of potato cultivation, the Manifest must be fertilized in a timely manner and correctly to obtain a high yield

Chernozem, carbonate or chestnut soil is ideal for planting the Manifest. In this case, the soil should be light, with good air permeability. This type of potato prefers soils with medium acidity. It can be grown both in the open field and in a greenhouse.

Before starting planting work on the site, it is worth pre-aerating the soil and applying the necessary fertilizers. Aeration will help oxygenate the soil. For fertilization, it is advisable to use humus or chicken droppings. The holes are made at a distance of 40 cm from each other. About 70 cm is left in the row spacing. This distance will be enough both for free movement between plantings, and for the growth of bushes in the future.

In the process of leaving, mulching and loosening of the soil are mandatory measures. Manifest potatoes are ideal for intensive cultivation. Up to 52,000 tubers are planted on one hectare of land. During the growth period, watering is carried out several times a week. Before the expected harvest, irrigation is stopped altogether.

Attention! With intensive cultivation, potatoes must be fed in a timely manner and correctly, otherwise a good harvest will not be possible.

The manifesto requires little maintenance and a lot of attention. Care for this variety is standard.

Diseases and pests

Potato Manifesto shows increased resistance to major diseases, these are:

  • potato cancer;
  • golden nematode;
  • curling leaves;
  • striped mosaic;
  • late blight, etc.
Potato variety Manifesto shows increased resistance to major diseases

Potato variety Manifesto shows increased resistance to major diseases

Among the numerous pests for the Manifesto, the most dangerous are the Colorado potato beetle along with the larvae and the potato moth. The latter can penetrate not only into the stems, but also into the tubers of the plant, making a large number of moves. As a result, most of the crop dies. For the prevention and control of these pests, standard folk and chemical agents are used, which are also used for a number of other varieties.


There were no significant shortcomings in the Manifest variety. But there are a large number of advantages that distinguish this potato variety from competitors. The plant has good immunity to all common diseases. At the same time, you should not forget about preventive measures.

Tubers have a universal purpose and can be used for:

  • cooking first courses, chips, casseroles, etc .;
  • obtaining natural potato starch;
  • treatment of certain diseases using traditional medicine;
  • cosmetic purposes.
Manifest potatoes have a universal purpose and excellent taste.

Manifest potatoes have a universal purpose and excellent taste.

A very valuable property of this variety is its excellent transportability and suitability for long-term storage. Due to this quality, the tubers are exported abroad. In addition, the Manifesto early potato variety contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. Potassium and B vitamins bring invaluable benefits to the human body.

As you can see, Manifest potatoes have huge advantages over competing varieties. Even a novice gardener is able to grow it on his site, and you can buy planting material both in a specialized gardening store and order via the Internet.