Potatoes have been used in cooking for several centuries in a row. In its history, there were different periods of development and popularity, but today it is difficult to imagine a cuisine that does not use potatoes in different versions of cooking. The Armada potatoes are very popular.

Variety history

Potatoes, as an agriculture, have been valued since ancient times. Many countries call it "second bread". Nowadays, there are many varieties of potatoes. They differ in color, taste, ripening time, preparation, etc. Armada potatoes are early maturing. It begins to bloom in early summer.

The Armada variety became known to the world back in 1588. It was then that the British won the battle against the Invincible Armada of Spain and learned about such a vegetable as potatoes. That variety would be nicknamed Armada, in honor of the battle won. A little later, the British began to breed varieties and brought this wild crop to a new level of consumption.

Armada potatoes

Potatoes came to Russia from England. The homeland of nightshade is South America. Today there is no country where this product would not be used in cooking. Due to its taste and nutritional qualities, it is used as a side dish for any meat, fish, vegetables.

As a percentage, Armada potatoes contain 75% liquid, 18% - starchy substances, 2% - protein substances, 1.5% - sugar, 1% - fiber, 2.5% - other organic compounds.

Armada is used in food boiled with a peel, cooked over coals, baked in the oven, fried, etc. This type of potato can be used in place of wheat flour. It contains a large amount of potassium, which is necessary for the human body.

Interesting. Also, potatoes are used in folk medicine in the treatment of many diseases of the stomach and intestines, its decoction can cure some colds.

Characteristics of the variety

Armada potatoes whose description of the variety says that it belongs to early maturing varieties, unpretentious to growing conditions. The color appears in early summer, the harvest can be harvested in mid-August. The ripening period is about 65 days, depending on weather conditions. The color of the nightshade is light yellow, the skin is slightly darker than the pulp.

Characteristics of the variety

After planting the tubers, the first shoots appear at a temperature of 6 ° C. The optimum temperature for rapid development is 12 ° C. A feature of this variety is that it grows fastest at night.

Nightshade Armada belongs to the tuberous family. Its height can reach 1 m. It has a powerful stem, with shoots, the length of which can reach 20 cm. Carved leaves, bright green. The flowers have five petals. The color of potatoes can be different: white, lilac, purple, pink, cream, etc. But Armada is distinguished by its white bloom. The inflorescences are collected at the top of the stem. Underground shoots, or stolons, are thickened closer to the end. The tubers can be harvested in August.


Armada does not belong to frost-resistant varieties of nightshade. The highest temperature that potatoes can tolerate without consequences is 3 ° C below 0 ° C.

Important! If potatoes are kept at subzero temperatures for a short time, the sugar level in the tubers rises.Finding nightshade in low temperatures for 8 hours or more leads to the death of the vegetable.

Also Armada is not drought-resistant. The variety loves moist soils, a lack of moisture leads to a reduced yield.

Important! It is not recommended to overmoisten the soil, as this can lead to the process of rotting of fruits and tops.

The alternation of dry periods with periods of normal moisture supply leads to the fact that the development of tubers is suspended for several days. That is, the yield also suffers.

Another early maturing variety is Seraphima. Seraphim's potato is similar in description to Armada. It was bred specifically for the northern part of Russia, therefore it is a more frost-resistant variety, but it is still not recommended to expose it to low temperatures.

Seraphim variety

Agricultural technology of cultivation

There are only two factors affecting a good potato yield:

  • Good seeds;
  • Correct cultivation technique.

Seeds should be purchased from specialized stores, as purchased seeds elsewhere do not guarantee that they are treated against viruses, bacteria and fungal diseases. Also, indicators of good yield are given by varietal seed material.

Seeds bought at specialized points of sale will cost more, but they will pay for themselves several dozen times. Since there are a lot of potato varieties, before buying, you should decide which type of potato best suits the climatic conditions of the region in which it will be planted. Also, varieties are divided into elite, table, solid, etc. You can purchase a set of varieties, which is compiled based on the same characteristics of the potatoes.

Potato seeds

Purshinsky potatoes, according to the description of the variety, grow well in central Russia. This is an elite variety of nightshade, which has rather large fruit sizes. Among the elite varieties, Becker potatoes and Lauren potatoes are also distinguished by a large fruit size. The potato variety Kanadka has small fruits, but very high yields with low energy consumption. Danko potatoes can also be attributed to elite varieties of potatoes, the description of which can begin with the fact that one fruit can reach 950 grams in weight.

In order to harvest an early harvest, it is recommended to germinate the planting material. 20 days before the planned planting, the tubers are laid out in a well-ventilated area. They are periodically turned over. Seedlings can be planted from the sprouted tuber. For this, nightshade is placed in pots with a mixture of humus and turf in equal proportions and stored in a dark room at a temperature of 11 ° C until the first sprouts appear. After the green shoots appear, the pots can be taken out into daylight.

Sprouted tubers are planted outdoors in mid-spring. If there is a threat of low temperatures, the plantings are covered with a greenhouse film. The landing hole should be 8 cm deep, the distance between them is at least 25 cm.

Planting potatoes

If the tubers are planted in the ground immediately, without using the seedling method, they are cared for immediately. The fact is that the planting material is in dire need of air supply, so loosening of the soil should be carried out regularly. This agricultural crop needs hilling until the sprouts reach a height of 15 cm. Potato varieties Viscount and Darik are hilled up to 20 cm. These varieties are considered more drought tolerant.

Note! Top dressing of potatoes is never carried out directly under the root. Organic matter can be applied at a distance of 15 cm in diameter from the tops of the plant, after hilling, liquid fertilizing is applied between the rows at an equal distance from the plantings. Of fertilizers, potatoes respond well to nitrogen and potash fertilizers. Liquid poultry manure can be used as organic fertilizer.

Harvesting begins after the foliage is completely dry. Early ripe potatoes can be harvested at the beginning of August.Felsina potatoes are harvested in mid-August, all other mid-season and late varieties are harvested no earlier than the first decade of September.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Armada potatoes include:

  • Good taste;
  • Transportability;
  • Storage duration;
  • Low content of starchy substances;
  • Resistance to late blight;
  • Resistant to potato crayfish;
  • Aurora nematode resistance;

The advantage of the variety is the shelf life

The disadvantages of Armada, like any other variety, also have:

  • Unstable to mosaic;
  • Regular processing from the Colorado potato beetle;
  • Unstable to Alternaria.

All potato varieties differ in their properties and parameters. It should be understood that it is not important how many potatoes are harvested per square meter, but what quality it is. With proper planting and proper care, even a beginner can cope with the cultivation of this crop.