Nothing is impossible! And getting a harvest of cucumbers on your own windowsill, loggia or, it's scary to think, in a barrel is a very real and exciting business. The main thing is to figure out how to grow cucumbers at home.

It turns out that for this you need to have not so much:

  • Suitable seeds;
  • Container;
  • Nutrient soil.

Cucumbers on the window3 nuances of successful cultivation

One of the main conditions for the growth of culture is warmth. This will not be a problem at home.

The second important condition is the selection of the correct seeds, adapted to the growing conditions. The variety should be chosen from those that do not require insect pollination (parthenocarpic).

Cucumbers on the window

The plant should not be very branchy, as the space on the windowsill is limited.

On a note!It is the window sill that is suitable for placing a container with cucumbers due to the fact that the maximum amount of light is provided there.

The main advantage of a home harvest is timing, since you can calculate its ripening for the required date. It's nice to prepare a festive table for the New Year, using your fruits or to please your beloved ladies in early spring.

Optimal varieties for the room:

  • Home;
  • Room;
  • Marfinsky;
  • Masha;
  • Bianca.

Growing cucumbers at home

When planning a harvest by a certain date, it must be remembered that planting is carried out in about two months. More precisely, you can determine the time, starting from the beginning of shoots. About 50 days will pass before the first cucumber appears.

Seed preparation and sowing at home

The selection of seeds is carried out in a regular mode:

  • Pour the seeds out of the bag and select the largest and undamaged ones;
  • Put them in a bowl and fill with water;
  • Those that have not surfaced will be ready for landing;
  • Fill small containers (peat pots) with light, loose and nutritious soil, spread the seeds on its surface and cover them with a damp cloth. Do not let it dry!
  • Place the containers in a warm place;
  • Usually after 3-5 days each seed sprouts;
  • Very carefully lower such a seed into a hole made in the ground (no more than 1.5-2 cm) and lightly powder it;
  • Place all pots with seeds on a pallet, cover with foil on top, which should be removed immediately after germination.

An important condition for the formation of healthy seedlings in a room: the first week after sowing, it is necessary to maintain a not too high temperature - no higher than 20 degrees, otherwise the sprouts will quickly reach upward, the seedlings will become tall and fragile. The healthiest seedlings appear compact, stocky.

Seed preparation

Soil requirements

With your own hands, you can prepare an excellent soil for future seedlings. To do this, it is enough to mix peat, ash and sand. In the absence of ash, it is replaced with dolomite flour or lime. A similar mixture is enriched with a complex mineral fertilizer (mix with soil).

Seedling soil is sold in specialized stores. It is optimal to choose a soil (Live earth, Microparnik, Gumimax, Soil for cucumbers), which contains a sufficient supply of nutrients, and not a peat soil, poor in composition.


After the young plants have given two real leaves, it is time to transplant them to a permanent place. This can be a voluminous flower pot or a deep container, which also fits comfortably on the windowsill.Only one bush is planted in a pot, while several can fit in a container or box. The distance between plants should not be less than 30 cm. In the presence of wide windowsills, seedlings can be planted even in buckets, but the law is the law - only one bush in each.

Attention! The root system of cucumbers is delicate and superficial, so transplanting must be extremely careful.

The procedure is carried out on a non-sunny day, otherwise it is better to shade the containers - they are lowered to the floor for a couple of days.


How to grow delicious cucumbers in an apartment? After several days of adaptation to a new place of residence, the seedlings begin to grow actively. And in the axils of the leaves, ovaries are formed. This suggests that it is time to feed the plant. It will be very grateful for watering with an ash solution. The soil must be moist before fertilizing.

Preparation of ash solution: 100 g of powder are soaked in one liter of hot water and infused for 24 hours.

You need to feed the plant

Since plants are kept in confined containers rather than outdoors, nutrients are quickly depleted. This means that the strength of the plants has nowhere to take and growth and ripening depend on diligent caring for them.

Such cucumbers require complex fertilization every 10 days.

Signs that your cucumbers are not getting enough nutrition:

  • Yellowing and drying of the leaves;
  • The crooked shape of the fruit.

Pinching is mandatory, since one plant should not have more than two lashes - this will facilitate care and increase productivity.

The garter is an important procedure in the growth process. At home, there are several options for tying a plant:

  • Tie the string to a small peg, insert it into the pot, and fasten the opposite end to the window sash;
  • The same option, but without using a peg - one end of the twine is tied to the bottom of the lash, the opposite end to the top of the window;
  • A nylon mesh with large cells is pulled over the window, and the plant itself will figure out how to stretch it up, it is necessary to help the lash only at the very beginning - to direct it towards such a support.


Watering cucumbers at home occurs only with warm water (up to 30 degrees C) and not too often, after slightly drying the top layer of the soil. This is due to the fact that the plants are in the soil in a confined space, transfusion can provoke root rot and the death of the entire bush. However, the soil should not be allowed to dry out - this will affect the taste of the fruit. It will become tasteless, it will taste bitter.



The ready-made cucumbers are removed gradually, preventing them from overripe. Each fruit should not exceed 8-10 cm. With this regular harvest, new fruits will quickly come up.

Indoor cucumbers taste no different from those grown in the open field.

Growing on a loggia

Slightly different from growing in a room. Firstly, the temperature regime, and secondly - a loggia or balcony allows you to plant seedlings in more spacious containers, that is, there will be more soil and nutrients - respectively.

In warm, steady weather, seeds can be sown directly into the ground, with earlier distillation - seedlings. The soil temperature at the germination stage should not fall below 17-18 degrees.

Tying on a loggia or balcony is also necessary and it is more convenient to build it than indoors. It can be single support ropes, coarse mesh, trellis.

Shrub shaping is also important.

On a note! Formation in 2 lashes will allow both a bountiful harvest to be harvested, and care will facilitate.

Some amateurs grow cucumbers on the loggia in pots. For this method, the "Balconny" variety is ideal - branchy, curly. Ampel cucumber does not require pinching. The ovaries are formed regularly, the cucumbers will hang effectively.

In all other respects, agricultural technology is no different from room care.

Cucumber in a barrel

One of the extraordinary cultivation methods.

When choosing a variety, it is not necessary to stop at parthenocarpic. The barrel is on the site and the plants can pollinate the insects. With this cultivation, there are a lot of pluses and one minus.

The pluses include:

  • Saving space on the personal plot;
  • Convenience of grooming;
  • Protection against temperature changes;
  • Minimal attacks from insects;
  • Early landing.

The downside is the possible drying out of the soil, but it can be easily overcome with careful care!

Barrel preparation

They begin to cook it as soon as winter is over and the snow has melted. Fill with garden waste - twigs, roots, up to food waste. There is no need to be afraid of this, when overheating, additional heat is released, which is especially appreciated by cucumbers. And rotted organic matter is an excellent fertilizer. Thus, the barrel is filled by one third. After filling, the barrel must be covered and you can forget about it for twenty days.

Then fertile soil is poured, which is useful to disinfect, in order to avoid the growth of fungus. It is enough to pour a layer of earth 20-30 cm.

Fact! One barrel with a capacity of 200 liters can be home to 10 plants (sometimes a greenhouse can hold the same!).

Such cucumbers should be watered regularly, at the rate of no more than a liter per day per plant. The amount of water increases in dry summers.

It is necessary to feed the plantings in the barrel four times per season. The first is to be carried out 15 days after planting the seedlings in a barrel or after the growth of the fourth true leaf.

Over time, the soil in the barrel will settle, this must be monitored. For normal growth, the soil level should be 15-20 cm below the edges of the barrel.

After harvesting, the contents of the barrel gradually turn into valuable fertilizer.

Secrets of good cucumber growth

What are the nuances for growing cucumbers at home to bring excellent results?

  • A powerful root system with additional adventitious roots (for this it is enough to press the stem a little against the ground and "salt" it with earth);
  • Carry out artificial pollination (barrel cucumber), step-by-step instructions: to tear off the male flower, free it from the petals, thereby exposing the stamens, shaking them off on the pistil of a female flower with an ovary, which is transformed into a cucumber;
  • Increase photosynthesis - put a container with a mullein among the plants;
  • Watering with diluted milk twice a month will ensure rapid growth of fruits;
  • In hot weather, water the plants often and abundantly, in cloudy - do not water;
  • Conduct competent pinching;
  • Do not forget about mulching;
  • Loosen the soil after watering or rain;
  • Fertilize with ash and organic matter;
  • Avoid neighbors with tomatoes;
  • Harvest on time, do not grow fruit on lashes to a large size.

This instruction will help you harvest a rich cucumber crop.

Another important reminder for amateur gardeners: cucumbers at home, just like in a greenhouse, love fresh air, ventilation, but do not tolerate drafts!