The cucumber season adds trouble to novice gardeners, makes them try new and long-known secrets of increasing the fruitfulness of cucumbers. Experienced vegetable growers know how to increase the yield of cucumbers in a greenhouse, greenhouse, open field. If you follow their advice, you can grow a good harvest.

Conditions for growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

Summer residents who want to get the first cucumbers in May prefer to grow them in a polycarbonate greenhouse.

It is necessary to remember some rules that will help you understand how to increase the yield of cucumbers in the greenhouse:

  • choose the right greenhouse crop variety, focusing on information about when cucumbers ripen under different conditions;
  • when preparing the soil, it is advisable to enrich it by burying grass, plant residues, compost or humus under the beds;
  • observe the irrigation regime, carrying it out in the evening using warm water and bringing the soil to a state of moderate moisture;
  • combine watering with fertilizing with organic and / or mineral fertilizers;
  • do not forget about timely pruning, which helps the plant to direct all its forces not to increase the green mass, but to the development of fruits;
  • the stems of cucumbers are fragile, so for them it is worth building a trellis and tying up the plants;
  • open the greenhouse every day and provide bees with access to cucumber flowers;
  • it is imperative to regulate the air temperature in the greenhouse using ventilation due to opening doors and transoms, but in no case to prevent drafts;
  • if there is little sunlight in the greenhouse, it is necessary to consider an artificial lighting system.

Important! A wonderful bait for insects pollinating flowering plants in the greenhouse will be the sweet aroma of an aqueous solution of sugar (100 grams of sugar per 1 liter of water per 1 square meter). You just need to spray the cucumber shoots with this solution.

Many summer residents grow cucumbers in greenhouses. The basic rules of agricultural technology are the same here. But you definitely need to pay attention to the material from which the greenhouse is made - it must transmit light well. Another important point - the soil in the greenhouse by the time of sowing seeds or planting seedlings should warm up to 13 - 15 degrees.

How to increase the yield of cucumbers in the open field

Take care of the root system

When loosening the soil, it is necessary to take into account the quality and composition of the soil. If it is peat, then you do not need to loosen it. Better to just pierce with a pitchfork to circulate air. If it is a black earth soil, then loosening must be carried out after each watering and rain to a depth of 3-4 centimeters.

Such activities saturate the soil with oxygen, improve the growth and productivity of the garden crop, and reduce the ripening period of cucumbers.

Good harvest

When the third true leaf appears, each bush should be spud. Care must be taken when hilling because the cucumber roots are close to the surface.

Monitor pollination

If there are not enough bees and other insects in the garden, then you should independently carry out the procedure of artificial pollination. To do this, using a soft brush, you should carefully redistribute the pollen from male to female flowers.

Important! So that as many pollinating insects as possible swarm in the garden, you can plant honey plants, fragrant herbs, and spicy plants.

Proper watering rules

Watering cucumber plantations is necessary in moderation and on time. On hot days, watering should be daily (in extreme cases, every other day). As soon as the air temperature starts to drop, watering should become less frequent.

Important! Watering cucumber plants must be carried out strictly in the evening and only with warm water.


In order for the cucumber lash to bear fruit abundantly, it is necessary to remove the stepsons in time - the extra shoots that take away the strength from the plant, so necessary for it for growth, development and fruiting.


Using the mulching technique, gardeners "kill three birds with one stone":

  • retain moisture in the soil;
  • protect cucumbers from temperature extremes;
  • saturate the soil with oxygen.

Manure, sawdust, straw, peat, various films made of synthetic materials are used as mulch.

Feeding rules

To increase the yield of cucumbers in the open field, it is imperative to carry out 3-4 fertilizing with organic or mineral fertilizers.

Root dressing is carried out in warm weather after intense watering or rain.

Foliar fertilization is good on cloudy days. Nutrient fertilizers must be sprayed evenly in small doses so that the solution does not drain off the leaves.

The result of good fertilization

onsky or cow, herb infusion.

Among mineral fertilizers, urea, ammonium nitrate, potassium salt, superphosphate, and wood ash have proven themselves well.

Important! Feeding with ash significantly increases the yield of fruits. It can be carried out every 10 days until the end of fruiting.

The effective neighborhood rule

Cucumbers coexist well with cabbage, peas, beans, celery, corn. Even weeds (quinoa and tansy) live in common with them. To increase fruiting, you can sow dill next to the cucumbers, as it repels insects - pests of the cucumber culture.

Important.It is undesirable to plant odorous herbs (basil, cilantro, rosemary) next to the cucumbers, which will give the fruit an unpleasant aftertaste. Tomatoes are considered a bad neighbor.

Timely collection of fruits

Don't wait for the cucumbers to outgrow. The yield of the culture directly depends on the observance of the frequency of the collection of zelents. Bringing the fruit to a larger size is fraught with a decrease in yield.

Overripe cucumbers are not only not needed on the farm - they pull "strength" for their growth in the whole plant, interfering with the formation and maturation of new cucumbers.

Some interesting tips

We treat cucumbers with milk

Every two weeks, from the moment the ovary appears until the end of fruiting, the vegetable crop should be fed with diluted milk (200 grams of milk per bucket of water per 1 square meter). Potassium in milk plays an essential role in the formation of the ovary. In addition, such a water-milkshake will increase the number of bacteria in the soil, which will significantly improve plant nutrition.

Folk recipe for herbal infusion

As an excellent folk remedy, which our grandmothers still used with success, an infusion of herbs can be used.

To prepare the infusion, you need to take a large container (bucket, linen tank), fill it with one third of any of the herbs (nettle, wormwood, mint) and add water. Insist for 3 days and use for feeding cucumber shoots, diluting 1 liter of the prepared product in a bucket of water.

Nettle solution

Such feeding will help to significantly increase the yield of cucumbers in the garden.

Extending the cucumber season

Unfortunately, the cucumber season ends quickly. But there is a secret that will help prolong it. In the last decade of August, you need to cut off all yellowed and withered leaves on the cucumber lash and pinch it to 4 leaves. Carry out top dressing with any organic matter and loosen to a shallow depth.

Considering that the air temperature is decreasing by this time, you can put arcs and cover them with a film. After this procedure, you can enjoy fresh cucumbers for another 2 weeks.

Interesting.Many are interested in the question - how many times a cucumber bears fruit. Experienced growers in the greenhouse sow seeds twice, achieving a crop twice a year. The first seedlings are planted in the first days of May. The seeds are sown a second time in mid-July, and cucumbers can bear fruit all September. And provided that the greenhouse is heated and has additional lighting, you can harvest your favorite vegetables in October.

When landing in open ground, such results, of course, cannot be achieved. In Russia, it is possible to collect one full harvest. However, with the right approach, even novice gardeners get enough cucumbers.

The cucumber season is in full swing. Applying the recommendations received, even a beginner will achieve good results.