In order to acquire a thoroughbred horse, those who wish from all over the world are ready to wait for their turn for a long time. The Budyonnovskaya horse is distinguished by excellent physiology: it has an excellent conformation, rather high growth, graceful movements. She has legendary strength, endurance, courage. These qualities brought many benefits to the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War.

History of the creation of the breed

The Budyonnovskaya horse is quite young, the history of the breed is only 70 years old. The development of a new species began in the 20s of the XX century. The initiative belonged to Marshal S.M.Budyonny, who adored horses. He provided several stud farms in the Kuban with the necessary conditions to create a new breed.

Note! Budennovsky horses were created as riding and harness horses. They were exploited exclusively for military needs during the Civil War and the First World War.

After the abolition of the cavalry, the horse's purpose changed dramatically. Today the Budennovsky horse is riding. It is used for obstacle racing, show jumping, triathlon, and for the promenade.

Initially, horses were selected randomly, as the task of the breeders was to restore the livestock. However, after some time, an excellent tribal base was formed.

Horses of the English breed were noted with high productivity. About 70 purebred English stallions were selected, as well as about 650 Don "brides". Scientists crossed mature mares with young stallions. To increase the effectiveness of the work, the marshal ordered the use of large-group breeding instead of the usual herd breeding. For this, all the animals were placed in the steppe.

Budennovskaya breed of horses

Breed development

Work on the breeding of "Budyonny's horses" continued from the mid-1920s. until 1940, but only the offspring of three horses founded a new breed. These were 3 English beauties: Handsome, Kokas, Inferno. The "Budennovets" was recognized in 1948.

In the early 50s. thanks to the activity of the stallion named Switch, it was possible to improve the physical characteristics of the breed. To reveal the abilities of young horses, horse races were arranged. Long walks under the saddle instilled in the horses an excellent gait. Selected animals were sent to military units, where the most resilient of them were assigned to officers. Since the 1960s. the use of army horses decreased. The attention of connoisseurs began to be attracted by racing qualities.

Today "Budennovtsy" are bred at stud farms in the Rostov Region, as well as at private horse farms in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories. Tribal horses are listed in a special book. On the left thigh of the animal, as well as under the saddle, they put a brand - the badge of the stud farm named after Budyonny.

Note! A brand is an emblem of a stud farm with information about the date of birth of a horse and its license plate, which is placed on the body of the animal by cold stamping. For these purposes, liquefied nitrogen is used. This branding is practically painless.

Characteristics of horses

"Budennovets" is the pride of Russian horse breeding. Horses are extremely intelligent. In addition, the friendly nature allows the horses to be used successfully in the tourism sector. Skorunov-Budennovtsy are taken to hunt. They are successfully used in hippotherapy.

The breed has many advantages:

  • courage;
  • patience;
  • unpretentious care;
  • inexpensive content;
  • stress resistance;
  • complaisance;
  • equilibrium;
  • kindness;
  • high agility;
  • the ability to develop high speed;
  • compliance in training;
  • beautiful appearance.

    Budennovskaya breed of horses

The advantages of the breed also include excellent health, longevity, and high productivity.

"Budennovtsy" are excellent sports horses that constantly become prize-winners of equestrian competitions. Horses are used in all sports disciplines. They are great at show jumping. In competitions with obstacles (stepple-chase), the horses achieve excellent results, even surpassing thoroughbreds. This is probably why Budennovsk horses are incredibly popular with horse breeders.

Important! Sometimes animals have the following shortcomings: nervousness and willfulness.


Budyonny's horses have an excellent constitution and a magnificent exterior. The horse is unusually graceful. Height at the withers (on average) —1 m 67 cm (for a stallion) and 1 m 63 cm (for a mare).

"Budennovets" became famous all over the planet. He has extraordinary physical data:

  • the head has standard sizes, and the eyes are expressive;
  • the neck is high, with a developed withers;
  • the back is wide;
  • muscular loin;
  • massive croup;
  • chest of ideal width;
  • the limbs are excellent.

It is customary to distinguish 3 intra-breed types of "Budennovists". Below is their description:

  • Massive - large horses with a rough physique, strong muscles. Not very playful. Most often they are used under the saddle, as well as in the form of horse-drawn transport.
  • Eastern - the exterior resembles Donchaks. Most often they have a golden hue. The body bends are smooth. Animals of this type are proud. They are fastidious about care and food.
  • The characteristic ones are large. They have well-developed muscles. Their advantages include endurance, strength. They can develop a high running speed.

Note! This breed is predominantly red in color with a golden hue. Black horses are practically absent. Bay and karak suits are less common.

Features of character and disposition

Budyonny's horses are considered wayward. Often they have a lively character, sometimes stubborn. Having identified such a specimen, you should take him out of the herd, otherwise he will affect his fellow tribesmen and infect them with his kicky disposition.

Important! The Budennovites inherited energy and agility from riding thoroughbreds, and the Don horses endowed them with an unpretentious and hardy character.

One of the most remarkable qualities of the presented breed is its extraordinary endurance. During the Great Patriotic War, the horse infantry was formed very quickly. This decision was caused by the fact that the combat vehicles of the Russian army were destroyed. The military were forced to compensate for this minus with the endurance of the horses. Natives of the Budyonnovsk factories were used to transport military equipment, ammunition, live personnel, as well as in mobile cavalry. The facts show that the horses excelled in great distances. Off-road conditions, exhausting heat or severe frost did not become an obstacle for them. The animals recovered quickly, despite tiring hikes and poor food.

"Budennovtsy" has another interesting feature. Due to its excessive impressionability and attachment to the owner, when changing it, the horse can feel severe stress. After that, he will completely refuse to obey an outsider, ignoring his commands.

Budyonnovskaya horse

How to care

Fans of "Budyonnovtsy" should know how to care for these animals. First of all, the Budyonnovskaya breed of horses needs space and freedom of movement. She gives birth only by living in the herd. As a rule, foals appear from mid-September until the first frost. A new herd is formed from the young. The best are assigned to a separate group. It is used to obtain new offspring, as well as to improve the breed.

Budennovsk horses do not tolerate heat and stinging insects. For this reason, the stable must be clean and fresh.

Important! Before cleaning, you need to take the horse out of the room. The strong smell of cleaning products can irritate the animal.

Horses often suffer from frost in winter. Therefore, it should not be cold in the barn or stable. The optimum temperature for winter is 7-10 ° C. The best bedding for Budyonnovsky horses: sawdust, peat or straw. It is changed in autumn and spring.

Horses need water treatments. The horses are bathed approximately once a week, but more often during training. The mane is washed with horse shampoo and then brushed with special brushes. These procedures are performed very carefully, otherwise, feeling pain, the horse may kick up and injure the owner.

Horse hooves should be cleaned by removing debris and dirt. It is important to treat wounds and cracks in time in order to prevent suppuration. If necessary, emollients are rubbed into the hooves. Dead tissue is removed from the hooves about monthly.

Important! External inspection of the horse should be carried out daily. Approximately once every 6-12 months, it is required to show the animal to the dentist. Every year, the animal must be examined by a veterinarian. Also, do not ignore routine vaccinations.

Diet and feeding

Budyonnovsky horses are unpretentious in food. As a rule, they eat plant foods, these are:

  • hay;
  • freshly cut grass;
  • corn;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit.

They can be given lump sugar. In order to maintain the high performance of horses during sports, supplements are introduced into their diet that contain the necessary vitamins and minerals. Horses drink a lot, so you need to provide them with fresh water. One individual accounts for up to 70 liters of drink per day.

Thus, the Budyonnovsky horse was bred not very long ago, but has already earned recognition all over the world. If the above recommendations are followed, the horse will maintain its performance and superior appearance, and its coat will be shiny and smooth.