Any summer resident and gardener grows onions on their plot, because you can't do without juicy green herbs and bulbs in the kitchen. But everyone has their own varieties in priority. The dream of every owner is not only to grow a good harvest in his garden, but also to keep it until the summer. When it comes to safety, it is better than the Hercules onion variety, not to pick up

A bit of history

Hercules bulbs are reference varieties. A long time ago it was bred by Dutch breeders, but today this type is considered a model for the development of new varieties.

Hercules F1 onion sets have long been included in the State Register of Russia for cultivation in the Central Region.

Interesting. This variety is found under different names: onion varieties Gulliver, Hercules. They are all the same, not a variety, but officially it was named Hercules.

Description of culture

Bow Hercules

Hercules onions need a description of the variety, planting and care, since without fulfilling these points it is simply impossible to get the maximum possible yield. The main features of Hercules onions are excellent taste, high yield, as well as the ability to be stored for a long time without losing their taste.

Note! According to experienced gardeners, with proper care, up to 8 kg of onions can be grown from one square meter of soil. Naturally, this is possible only if all the rules of agricultural technology are observed.

Onion Hercules belongs to medium early hybrids. From the moment of planting to harvesting, it takes approximately 70 to 80 days. The ripeness of this variety is almost 100%. The culture refers to plants with a two-year growing period. The first year, black seeds are sown, from which the planting seed grows, and the next year it is planted so that a full-fledged version is obtained.

The bulbs are quite large (120-160 g). They are oval, golden yellow in color. Plant height reaches 35 cm.

The onion of this variety is distinguished by a special taste with a sweet spice. The pulp is soft and very juicy. After the onion, a piquant aftertaste remains. This herculean flavor persists even in cooked dishes. After ripening, about 3-4 dry scales are formed.


The Hercules onion variety is characterized by excellent disease and pest resistance characteristics. The bulbs have a good root system, which in dry weather is able to get the necessary moisture from great depths.

Beneficial features

Almost all the useful properties of this onion variety are concentrated in the bulb itself, since during the growth period the culture practically does not give arrows. The following components are concentrated in the heads, which are important for humans:

  • Proteins;
  • Sugar;
  • Copper;
  • Iron;
  • Iodine;
  • Chromium;
  • Cobalt;
  • Zinc;
  • Fluorine;
  • Manganese;
  • Bromine;
  • Vitamins of group C, PP, B, H, E.

On a note. Thanks to such a large set of nutrients, regular consumption of onions in food will help maintain the strength of the body, strengthen the immune system, and normalize the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Chemical composition of 100 grams of onion

alimentary fiber4.5

Onions do not contain cholesterol, and due to the small number of calories they are suitable for weight loss.

Important! Gulliver's onion sets contain a large amount of sulfides, which prevent the production of "bad cholesterol" and also prevent the formation of cancer cells.

Growing features

Planting material such as Hercules onion belongs to universal crops. It can be planted in different seasons, no complicated care is required, and there is also a high resistance to diseases and pests.


Initially, you should decide on the most attractive site for the onion. Sevok Hercules will grow well in sunny areas, but does not like lowlands. Onions should be planted in one place for only one year, and then take a break for three seasons. It is best to plant sevok after tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, legumes.

Before planting onions, you should prepare the selected beds. Chicken droppings or mullein are thoroughly pre-fertilized. When adding mineral fertilizers, the composition of the soil should be taken into account.

Mineral fertilizers

Planting of planting material can be carried out both in spring and autumn.

  1. Do not plant too early in the spring - the bulbs can rot. Sowing is planted in the ground only after the air temperature reaches + 10 ° C;
  2. In the fall, it is best to plant a smaller planting plant, since during the fall and winter in the soil it will gain strength and quickly catch up with the larger planting material planted in spring. Onions planted in the fall produce fewer arrows and are also better stored.

When planting, the soil should be loose and moist enough. The sevok plunges into the ground about 4 cm so that there is 2 cm of soil above the tail.


To get the crop that breeders claim, it is important to follow all the rules of agricultural technology:

  1. Top dressing. Despite the fact that the soil should be fertilized before planting, it is recommended that fertilization be carried out in three stages during the growth of the crop. After planting, 10-14 days later, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers is carried out, after another 2 weeks - with complex mineral fertilizers. For the third time, fertilization of plantings of onions Hercules is carried out with potash compositions;
  2. Watering. Despite good drought tolerance, Hercules onions need regular watering in the first half of growth. But the plantings are watered very carefully, since excess moisture and its stagnation are detrimental to the culture. After the bulbs begin to grow, the watering frequency is reduced. In order for the harvest to ripen, two weeks before harvesting, Hercules onions are not watered at all;
  3. Weeding. Everyone knows that weeds and roots increase the likelihood of developing the disease. But weeding is also important for a good harvest - if weeds are present, the bulbs will be small;
  4. Loosening. Onions will thrive and grow better if more oxygen is supplied to the roots and bulbs. This can be ensured by regular loosening. Deepen by 3 cm so as not to damage the root system. It is imperative that loosening is carried out after rains, this will help to avoid the formation of a crust and stagnation of moisture.


The readiness of the onion for collection can be easily determined by the condition of the feather. After the feathers turned yellow and bent to the ground, the bulbs were ripe. It is very important to dry the resulting crop well. The bulbs are placed in the fresh air, where there is good ventilation, and there is access to the sun's rays.

To preserve onions until summer, you need to not only dry them well, but also choose the right room. In the room where onions are stored, the temperature should be in the range of + 15-20, the air should be dry. With high humidity, the onions will start to rot. Store the onion heads in a well-ventilated container, but not on the floor.

Yellow feathers

Preventive actions

Despite the fact that the Hercules onion variety is resistant to diseases, it will not hurt to take preventive measures. It is recommended to carry out preventive treatment before planting. For 10 hours, the bulbs are soaked in a solution of nitrophoska (1 tbsp is diluted in 10 liters of water.

preparation). Then the onion sets Hercules are taken out and dried.Re-soaking is performed in a weak solution of copper sulfate. In this composition, the set should be no more than 15 minutes. The bulbs are removed and dried well. In the spring, a similar treatment is carried out at will, but before the autumn planting, prevention is simply necessary.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the Hercules onion variety include:

  • High yields are very good indicators in comparison with other varieties;
  • Not many feathers are produced as growth takes place directly into the bulb;
  • Long storage indicators - if all the rules of growing and drying are observed, they reach 10 months;
  • Resistant to disease and disease;
  • It is not afraid of drought, since the bulbs have long roots that can extract moisture deep from the ground;
  • Excellent taste indicators.

The main disadvantage of this variety is the high cost of seeds. Not surprisingly, this is a Dutch hybrid that, once harvested, produces seeds. But it is worth being prepared that from the seeds obtained, you can get a harvest of other taste and shape. In principle, hybrids do not yield the next year harvest at all.

If you have a choice of which onion sets to choose for planting this year, then you should definitely opt for the Hercules variety. A good harvest is ensured even in a lean year, and the taste will delight for a long time in winter.
