Cabbage is a garden plant of the cabbage family. The vegetable appeared in the Mediterranean countries and was the most popular in European cuisine before the advent of potatoes. It earned its popularity due to its optimal useful composition, low calorie content, and versatility of use.

The composition and properties of the vegetable

Cabbage is famous for its rich content of substances necessary for humans:

  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, K, U. Moreover, vitamin C in the composition remains for a long time due to the form in which it is presented - ascorbigen. Another valuable and rare - vitamin U (methylmethionine), necessary for proper digestion, is considered an antiulcer substance, has a good effect in the treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcer disease.
  • Minerals phosphorus, zinc, manganese.
  • Folic acid, pantothenic acid.
  • Potassium and calcium salt.

Types of cabbage

Due to its unique composition, the vegetable has a good effect on the metabolism in the body, removes toxins, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It is widely used in dietary nutrition, since cabbage is low in calories and at the same time rich in vegetable protein, quite nutritious. Basically, the vegetable is beneficial, it can be harmful in cases where the human body is prone to increased gas formation.

Important! The vegetable is widely used in cooking. There are a huge number of recipes for the preparation of which it is needed. It is used fresh - in salads, fresh juices, for stewing, cooking, baking. Sauerkraut is considered the champion in vitamin C and folic acid content.

The main types of cabbage

Today there are a huge number of types and varieties of cabbage. But in order to correctly navigate the classification, the main ones should be highlighted:


Most popular in Russia. In terms of useful substances, it is inferior to other types of vegetables, but it is universal in use, affordable, it is stored for a long time almost all winter. The description of white cabbage says that this vegetable is two years old, early, medium, late ripeness. Forms a rosette of greenish leaves around a white head of cabbage. It is easy to grow and can withstand frost well.

The most popular varieties of common cabbage are Amager 611, Aggressor, Megaton, Slava 1305, Dumas.



A close relative of white cabbage is purple cabbage. What is the name of the view? It is also distinguished as colored. The name comes from the shades of the head: burgundy-purple, blue, wine-red, lilac color can be combined in one head.

It is also well stored, used in a variety of dishes, but this cabbage has slightly more beneficial properties than white cabbage.

Commonly bought blue cabbage varieties are Rubin, Benefis, Voroks, Priro.

Note! In the characteristics of red cabbage, it means that this species owes its color to cyanidin, which has a good effect on the work of the cardiovascular system.


Differs in rich and healthy composition, exquisite taste. Green cabbage is widely used in cooking, like the previous varieties, but it impresses with its tenderness and beautiful appearance. The only drawback is that due to the special structure, the leaves cannot be stored for a long time.

Description of savoy cabbage: a biennial plant, the most hardy of all varieties of cabbage, can tolerate up to -7 ° C. Leaves of a beautiful emerald color with small pimples, loosely adjoining one another. The heads are small, compact, round.

Famous varieties: Alaska, Vienna early, Golden early, Kozima.



The cabbage got its name thanks to the inflorescences that form a dense head. One of the healthiest types of this vegetable, known for its excellent properties. It is widely used in diet food: stewed, baked, boiled, soups and baby food. The only negative is the short shelf life and the possibility of harming people with kidney stones.

What is cauliflower? Until recently, it was believed that this type of vegetable can be exclusively white or cream in color. Today, thanks to the work of breeders, there are varieties of cauliflower that amaze the imagination with their brightness and variety of colors: yellow, purple, purple, lilac. The choice is large, but for maximum benefit, you should know that the inflorescences must be healthy, without spots and other signs of damage.

Common varieties are Snow Globe, Robert, Solis.



It is a green cabbage similar to cauliflower. In terms of the amount of nutrients, this species even overtakes cauliflower. The composition contains carotene, choline, methionine, which contribute to the elimination of cholesterol. Broccoli is very popular among lovers of a healthy lifestyle, as it is low in calories, but provides a supply of energy for a long period of time. The cooking methods are also varied: it is great for stewed, baked, steamed form. Very useful cabbage juices are obtained from it.

Popular varieties - Continental, Tonus, Fortuna, Vitamin.

Important! To get a quality product, you need to carefully choose the variety of broccoli and the right moment to collect: the inflorescences begin to turn green, acquire a rich color, and are not yet blooming. During this period, they are filled with juice, have a dense structure and a pleasant taste. An overripe vegetable has a specific taste.


An amazing subspecies of Italian origin cauliflower. From what this cabbage looks like, an incomprehensible feeling of delight covers. Delicate green-light green color, inflorescences in the form of stars, so it is difficult to call this coral miracle cabbage. Delicate texture, exquisite taste, unusual appearance make the vegetable a decoration of any dish.


The variety, named according to the place of origin, was developed in Belgium. This amazing mini cabbage is the champion among all varieties of this vegetable. The very high content of protein, vitamin C, potassium makes it a source of energy, while not causing the effect of flatulence. Brussels sprouts also grow in an unusual way: small heads of cabbage are located on a trunk that looks more like a small cabbage tree up to 1 m high.


The use in cooking is extensive - main dishes, side dishes, soups. The only caveat: before cooking, it is recommended to put the cabbage in salted hot water with lemon juice for a few minutes to get rid of possible bitterness.

What are the varieties of Brussels sprouts? How many colors of this type of vegetable exist, it is difficult to count: green, purple-red, violet-blue, burgundy-wine, rich emerald. The most famous varieties are Perfection, Curl, Pomegranate bracelet.


The name of the variety is the answer for those who are interested in the name of the long cabbage. Among the people it still appears as a salad. It is formed from long lettuce leaves and a large stalk. In terms of its qualities, "Peking" resembles a white cabbage, only with thin and soft leaves. Suitable for salads, stewing and pickling.

Popular varieties are Khibinsky, Spring Beauty, Sprinkin.



An unusual type of cabbage for many gardeners.Its appearance is more like a turnip with a cabbage flavor. The skin color of the fruit is white, cream, pale purple. The pulp is juicy. Suitable for pickling, baking, juicing. For maximum benefit, over-ripening should be avoided as the flesh becomes hard, fibrous.

Curly feces

It is a kale of Portuguese origin without head formation. The leaves are beautiful, curly rich green, blue-green or purple. A bit like savoy cabbage. Great for salads, pickles, soups. It does not lose color during heat treatment.

Chinese sheet

An annual plant popular in China, Korea. It is characterized by wide dense leaves collected in a rosette. Used for fermentation, cooking.

Chinese sheet

Other popular varieties for home and soil cultivation

White cabbage varieties:

  • Rinda F early variety - juicy head of cabbage, soft leaves, fresh taste without bitterness. Unpretentious to the composition of the soil and weather conditions.
  • Glory 1305 - medium grade, high-yielding, frost-resistant, well stored and transported. Used for salting, storage for the winter.

Red head varieties:

  • Nurima F - an early variety of blue cabbage. It is characterized by excellent taste, medium head size (2.5 kg), good yield, disease resistance.
  • Palette - late-ripening variety. Differs in resistance to difficult climatic conditions. The heads are small, purple. It is the best choice for long-term storage.

Nurima F

Colored varieties:

  • Snowdrift - early maturing species. The snow-white head does not fade during storage, does not lose its qualities when frozen. The weight of one fruit is 1 kg.
  • Purple - mid-season cabbage. Dense heads weighing up to 1.5 kg, slightly flattened on the sides. It stands out in bright purple. It is used in a variety of dishes.

Variety of subspecies Romanesco:

  • Amphora - probably the only variety of this species that has taken root well in Russia. The head reaches 2 kg in weight, has a good taste, wide use. Demanding to climatic conditions.

Broccoli varieties:

  • Botavia - an early ripe variety. Bright green inflorescences of a round shape, dense structure. Withstands any temperature extremes. Productivity - more than 2 kg per 1 m². The variety is not suitable for long-term storage.
  • Ironman - mid-season and high-yielding variety. The head reaches 600 g, up to 3 kg of cabbage can be harvested from 1 m². High taste, good keeping quality.


Peking varieties:

  • Khibinskaya - the most famous semi-cabbage variety in the Middle lane. Can be grown in greenhouses and outdoors. High-yielding, heat-loving.
  • Cha cha - early ripening variety. In good weather conditions, the head can weigh up to 2 kg. There is a risk of seedlings leaving flower stalks.

All varieties of cabbage listed above are intended for outdoor cultivation. For growth at home, semi-decorative species are adapted - kale, Chinese.

Cabbage is a vegetable endowed with a rich composition, useful substances that are so necessary for a person. It amazes with its versatility and variety of types and colors. With these advantages, cabbage, affordable and not whimsical to care for, is a real treasure for lovers of healthy food.