Cabbage is a favorite vegetable on the tables of Russians. It is filled with many useful substances, is well applicable in dietary dishes, and has medicinal properties. It grows well in our climatic conditions.

This crop has many varieties, of which the Top 10 varieties stand out, the most used and grown. This list also includes the Blizzard cabbage.

Popular mid-late cabbage varieties

Characteristics of popular mid-late cabbage varieties

NameGrowing seasonDescription of the headDisease resistanceStorage period
Favorite135-140 daysHeads of cabbage are dense, flat-rounded, yellowish-green in color, white in sectionFusarium wilting6 months
Symphony130 daysHeads of cabbage are round, white, weighing up to 4 kgVascular bacteriosis4 months
Present120 daysHead of cabbage, medium, weighing 3-4 kg, round-flat shapeFusarium, black leg5 months
Florin135 daysHead of cabbage flat-round, weighing no more than 4 kgFomoz6 months
Dobrovodskaya125-130 daysHeads of cabbage grow round, weighing about 6 kgVascular bacteriosis, phomosis, black leg6 months
Conquistador130 daysHeads of cabbage blue-green, large (5 kg)Fusarium, necrosis and root diseases7 months
Busoni130 daysHeads of cabbage no more than 3 kg, dark green with a waxy bloomFusarium7 months
Coronet130 daysLight green heads of cabbage, reaching 8 kg of weightNecrosis, Fusarium and Root Damage7 months
Menzania130 daysHeads of cabbage are roundish, gray-green in color, on a high leg, covered with a waxy coatingNecrosis7 months
Snowstorm130 daysHeads of cabbage are round, white at the cut, weighing up to 3 kgNecrosis, Fusarium and Root Damage8 months

All of the above varieties grow well in open ground, do not require greenhouse planting. They store well and are resistant to disease and cold. This list also includes white cabbage Blizzard. It does not differ much from other late-ripening hybrids, but there are still differences.


This type of cabbage is bred in Siberia. Listed in the State Register of the Russian Federation. The variety is well grown by Russian vegetable growers and agricultural farmers.

Blizzard cabbage

Blizzard cabbage variety description:

  • The growing season from the moment of transplanting into the garden is 135-140 days;
  • The head of cabbage is round, dense. It has a gray-green foliage with a waxy bloom, with a white color on the cut;
  • Does not crack;
  • Stored up to 8 months;
  • The weight of one head of cabbage is 3 kg;
  • Does not undergo diseases (vascular bacteriosis, fusarium, black leg);
  • Good taste characteristics.

On a note. Blizzard is recognized as the longest and best stored variety of cabbage.

Vyuga cabbage variety description is standard. The varietal feature of this species: the ability to long-term storage, good presentation, pleasant taste and crisp foliage, has led to high popularity among vegetable growers and in the markets.

It is used both raw and for fermentation, pickling, pickles. Due to its juiciness and crispy leaves, it gives salads a special taste.

Compared to other hybrid varieties of the same ripening period, Blizzard is resistant to all diseases at once, it is stored longer than others. Its minus will be the head of cabbage - not very heavy, as, for example, in the Coronet variety.

Blizzard cabbage is resistant to all diseases at once

Agricultural technology of cultivation

Blizzard, like other varieties, is grown by the seedling method.To get good seedlings, it does not matter whether it is the Gift, Blizzard or Conquistador variety, you need to sow the seeds correctly.

To begin with, they need to disinfect and select the good from the bad. For this, salt water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate is suitable. You can harden them by lowering them first into hot water, then into cold water.

The soil also needs to be treated with a manganese solution or boiling water, if it is taken from the garden. This is done in order to eliminate the larvae of pests or fungal diseases, thereby protecting the still weak sprouts of cabbage. You can use commercial packaged fertile soil for seedlings.


The seeds descend to a depth of 1 cm, the width between them is at least 4 cm. Planting is carried out at the end of April, the seedling will be ready in 40-45 days to move to the ridge, this will be just the month of May. Watering should be moderate. Only varieties such as Amager, Symphony require abundant watering even at the stage of young seedlings.

On a note. The room with seedlings must be ventilated.

After two leaves have cut through, you need to plant the plants from a common container in different cups. When moving, be sure to plant a seedling with the soil in which it grew initially, you can additionally feed it. Be sure to pinch the root spine.

When transplanting into the ground, regardless of the variety of cabbage, it is imperative to comply with the distribution pattern of the holes. The distance between them is not less than 30 cm, between the rows - 20 cm of free space. The heads of cabbage grow well, and they need a place, because in crowded conditions, the seedlings will begin to stretch, and there will be no head ovary, which means there will be no harvest.

The depth of the hole on the ridge when transplanting into the garden should be 2 cm of space without land. Below should be fertilizer or chicken droppings, well moistened and covered with fertile soil. The seedlings are placed in the hole along with the soil from the cup in which they grew. If there is a threat of frost, be sure to cover it with foil.

Important! The place in the vegetable garden for planting cabbage should be well lit by the sun.

Care rules in open soil

Cabbage requires good watering - consistently 2 times a week and spraying the foliage every two weeks. In a very hot summer, watering should be carried out every day, until strong heads of cabbage have set, and then moisten again twice a week. If there is water under the cabbage and it is not absorbed, you need to take measures, since excess moisture prevents oxygen from reaching the roots, and the vegetable will begin to die. In such cases, add mulch to the ground.

As for dressings, they need to be carried out with mullein infusions, chicken droppings, green grass infusions, which have passed into the stage of fermentation. During the growing season, fertilizers are applied about 5 times. It is better to feed at the time of watering.

Top dressing of cabbage

Like all cabbage, Blizzard suffers from pests. These are aphids, caterpillars, slugs, fleas, cabbage fly. To combat them, it is better to resort to the use of drugs such as Bicol, Nemabakt, Aktofit. They also eliminate fungal diseases and nematodes. You can also use folk infusions for processing heads of cabbage (ash and tar soap from aphids, liquid soap and garlic from caterpillars, etc.).

In the wide variety of cabbage varieties, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Mid-season varieties (Blizzard, Symphony, Menzania and others) are distinguished by their ripening period and taste. These are white-headed varieties, resistant to diseases, not whimsical to care for, growing well in all regions due to their resistance to cold. Blizzard is a hybrid that is the most resistant to cold and disease, the best and the longest stored.