For the human body, meat plays a very important role. Thanks to its high protein content, it promotes muscle growth. It should be borne in mind that meat types such as pork and lamb are also harmful to humans, since they contain a lot of cholesterol, which causes narrowing of the blood vessels. For this reason, most people prefer to use chicken and turkey meat in their diet, as it is dietary. This has led to great demand for this product. Breeders all over the world are trying to breed such a breed of chickens that would give a lot of meat and eggs. In our time, this breed is the Hubbard broiler.

Hubbard broilers: description, characteristics

The Hubbard chicken breed was bred in France and very quickly became popular in many countries around the world, due to the fact that they are very productive both in terms of egg production and in terms of obtaining meat products. These chickens can quickly get used to any terrain and conditions.

Looking at the description of the Hubbard broiler breed, the farmer will learn what these birds look like. Their body is medium in size, the head is small. It is decorated with a pink scallop.

The Hubbard broiler has white plumage. These birds are distinguished by a calm nature, not conflict. Chickens can just scamper on the floor, it's just a matter of making a small box for them and laying straw in it.

Broilers Hubbard

Females, unlike males, have more developed breasts. Paws and beak are yellow. There are two types of chickens of this breed:

  • Hubbard Flex;
  • Hubbard F-15.

In the process of growth, females will have plumage much earlier than males. Up to two months, males grow up to three kilograms, while females weigh three hundred grams less. Hubbard f 15 chickens were bred specifically in order to get a large amount of meat from them. Cross, as a result of selection, got rid of the dwarf gene, thanks to which it can grow up to eight, or even ten kilograms. But in most cases, they are fed only five kilograms.

It should be noted! These chickens make excellent brood hens, so it is recommended to raise them in the household for breeding.

Which breed is better: Isa Hubbard or Cobb

Many are interested in which broiler is better than Cobb or Isa Hubbard? It should be noted that the broiler Isa Hubbard is growing and developing rapidly, although a dwarf chicken was taken to create the F 15 breed. Due to this, the iza bird grows quickly, but at the same time it consumes little feed. After forty days they can be killed for meat. At this time, the broiler Iza already has up to two kilograms of live weight.

Cobb was never rid of the dwarf gene, so he grows to a certain weight and no longer grows. The purpose of breeding this breed was the industrial keeping of chickens. They reach a weight of one and a half kilograms and are slaughtered. Based on the above, we can conclude that it is best to grow the Isa Hubbard chicken breed at home.

Cobb 500

There is another breed of broilers, the growth of which is fifty-five grams per day. This breed is called Ross - 308. The muscle mass of these birds begins to form from the first days of life. You can slaughter chickens as early as the sixth or ninth week. In this case, the weight of the chicken will already reach two kilograms.

In addition, the broiler of this breed runs well. Chickens lay up to two hundred eggs a year.

Features of the content

Although special care is not so important for broilers, there are still some rules to follow. Chickens in the hen house should be spacious and comfortable. Sawdust or straw should be laid on the floor, and they should be changed periodically to avoid contamination.

It is important for chickens that daylight hours last at least fifteen, or even sixteen hours. In the summer there will be enough sunlight, and in the fall and winter, the day is extended with the help of fluorescent lamps. In addition, large windows must be installed in the house.

It should be borne in mind that broilers are very capricious birds in relation to drinking. The water must always be fresh and clean. Dirty drinking bowls are a source of disease and germs and are the main cause of disease in birds.

Features of the content of the Hubbard breed

Hubbard chickens differ from their counterparts in that they are not gluttonous and eat as much as their body requires, but not more. If we talk about the room where chickens live, then it should always be clean and ventilated. The air should not be allowed to be stale and musty. It also leads to illness. For this reason, ventilation vents are installed in the chicken coop, as well as ventilation.

Chick care

When raising broiler chickens, you need to immediately set a goal for yourself. If you grow them for meat, then the care will be effective for only eighty days. It is during this period that the chicks grow, develop and gain weight. Later, they simply eat, which is completely unprofitable. The second option would be to breed broiler chickens. And in one, and in another case, you need to follow the rules for their content.

Important! In order for broilers to grow quickly and gain weight, feed for them is purchased in special stores. Only in this case the chickens will receive a properly balanced diet.


  • The room where the chickens grow must be cleaned every day to keep bacteria out.
  • To make it convenient to change the litter, it is recommended to lay an oilcloth under the straw or sawdust.
  • In order for the chickens to build up their mass, they must run a little, walk them in small enclosures, only two hours a day.
  • In the first week of life, the temperature in the room should be at least thirty-three degrees Celsius. In the second week, it is reduced to thirty degrees, and then to twenty.

Most poultry houses keep the young in cages, so they gain weight much faster.

Chick care


From the first day of life, Hubbard chickens are fed only with foods such as:

  • millet;
  • Wheat groats;
  • boiled eggs;
  • crushed corn.

Important! After three days of life, the chickens should be given one drop of trivitamin.

In the second week, babies can be given other foods:

  • food from the store;
  • mash;
  • waste;
  • bread;
  • boiled potatoes.

It is important for small chicks to feed as much feed as they can eat. After all, the surplus that remains, first of all, is an extra waste of money, and secondly, they turn sour and become a source of infection.

Raising the Arbor Aikres breed

The Arbor Aycres breed was bred by breeders from France, who also created Iza Hubbard broilers. This broiler is fast growing and very large. In chickens, legs are too short, but at the same time powerful and developed. The chest and back are broad. The skin of chickens of this breed has a yellow tint, due to which the carcasses are sold out faster.

Birds of this breed grow very quickly - in a month the individual will weigh two kilograms. An adult broiler weighs at least six kilograms.

Raising the Arbor Aikres breed

Arbor Aykres chickens grow rapidly and are immune to disease. Therefore, the owner is not worried that there may be a death in the livestock. The only thing that sets these chicks apart from the rest is their feeding. Small broilers cannot be fed boiled eggs, cereals, vegetables. All of these foods lead to indigestion.

In order for the broiler population to grow and develop, he needs to buy balanced chicken feed in a special store. Along with this, you need to give a lot of vitamins and minerals.

On a note!Adult chickens need to be given grain, meal, combined feed. Compound feed can be replaced with herbs and vegetables.

In addition, broilers are very sensitive to temperature changes and drafts, as well as high indoor humidity. Therefore, the chicken coop should have a constantly stable temperature, which in winter should not fall below fourteen degrees.

In addition, the house must be kept clean at all times to avoid the proliferation of infections. One of the important nuances is that small chickens must build up at rest, so they are not walked until they are old.

Growing broilers will be very profitable and profitable if you follow all the rules for their breeding and care. The most important thing is to feed the bird correctly so that it grows up and gives a lot of meat products.