Rose Sahara is a wonderful plant. According to all characteristics, it is ideal for decorating a garden, and most importantly, caring for a plant does not require special skills.


The main feature of the climbing rose of the Sahara is that it changes color throughout the entire flowering. The petals can be painted in light crimson, pale orange and pale yellow shades. The flowers of the rose are large - their diameter can reach 10 cm.The height of the plant is from 0.5 m to one and a half meters. The stem of the flower is smooth, without thorns. The leaves are large, dark green in color. The rose blooms continuously. One of the advantages of the Sahara flower is its high resistance to cold. Another advantage of Rose Sahara is ease of maintenance.


Before planting, be sure to prepare the soil. First you need to clear it of bushes and weeds. If the soil is dry, add peat or manure during planting. Humus or fine sand is also great.

Rose Sahara

The Sahara scrub rose is ready for planting in spring and autumn. To do this, you need to dig a hole one meter deep in advance. Diameter 0.5 meters. Put dry leaves and humus at the bottom of the pit. Put the seedlings in the dug hole, covering them with earth on the sides. For the plant to take root better, pour warm water over it. You can also add lemon juice to the ground where it grows - this will give faster growth and development of the flower.


One of the important stages of caring for a rose is feeding. The first is most important. After all, it depends on her whether the flower takes root or not. In no case should you feed organics. Mineral or nitrogen fertilizers work well. Compost can only be used every 4 years.

Fertilizing roses

Also, don't forget about pruning. The best option is to cut 3-5 cm from the ends of the stem. The cut must be made at an angle. After completing the procedure, be sure to treat the cut of the flower with a special balm, which can be purchased at any flower shop.

Note! You need to water the rose no more than twice a week. One bush requires about 4-5 liters of water. The water must be warm and filtered, because tap water will only harm the rose. Do not water the flower on very sunny days - this will lead to burns.


There are several ways to breed roses. Here are the best ones:

  • Reproduction by layering;
  • Propagation by cuttings.

Propagation of roses by cuttings

Reproduction by layering

This method of propagation of roses is most often used in spring. To do this, you need to excavate open grooves near the bushes, up to 20 cm deep. Further, the shoot from the rose must be threaded into the finished trenches and in some parts it should be firmly pressed to the ground. Also pick off the leaves and petioles. For rapid growth, you can treat the plant with special agents.

Propagation by cuttings

First you need to select healthy and mature cuttings. They need to be cut into small strips. Cut the cuttings with a clean and disinfected tool so that the plant does not become infected. All leaves that grow at the bottom of the cutting should be removed. You also need to make two cuts: the first is just above the upper kidney, and the second is 1 cm further than the lower kidney.

Comparison with other park varieties

NameAppearanceFeatures:Cold resistanceTermsEndurance
SaharaLarge flowers of orange and pale pink flowersContinuously flowering plant, characterized by color change.Unpretentious care.HighSunny and calm placeHigh
WatercolorYellow and pink flowers. Fringed petalsThere is a strong aroma, the flower requires special care.LowSunny area or partial shadeAverage
Avila PalaceLight red petalsContinuously flowering plant, abundant flowering.HighSunny placeHigh

Sugar is an amazing plant. In addition to the fact that it will delight you with its lush buds all season, the flower does not require strong care. Even a novice gardener can handle it.