Canadian park rose Moden Centennial is a cold-resistant variety that was bred in Canada in 1980 by breeders of the company Hanry H. Marshall. Belongs to the Parkland group of Canadian flowering plants. Visually, this plant resembles floribuda varieties, due to its low, compact and attractive appearance.

Park rose Moden Centennial: description and characteristics

Rose Modern Sentinel is considered one of the best Canadian varieties. During flowering, saturated flowers of a crimson color are formed, which gradually fade, the surface of the petals is terry. Formed one by one or grouped into brushes of 10-15 pcs. The first bloom is usually very lush. Timely and regular pruning of faded flowers stimulates the growth of new ones. The bush is vigorous, the leaves are dark green in color, the surface is glossy.

The plant has a high resistance to diseases, under unfavorable conditions it can be affected by black spot. The frost resistance indicators are excellent, the plant is able to freeze under only -30 degrees of frost.

Note! Due to the excellent cold hardiness of Morden Centennial, the rose is grown in northern regions with unfavorable climatic conditions.

Planting and leaving

To provide a comfortable environment for the plant, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • The area allotted for the rose should be located on a hill, since moisture can accumulate in the lowlands and drafts can "walk". Excess water contributes to the development of fungal diseases and decay of the root system.
  • It is better to give preference to well-lit places, but this variety can readily grow in partial shade conditions.
  • The place must be ventilated, otherwise the harmful effects of pests and diseases cannot be avoided. But gusts of wind and drafts are unacceptable.

The most suitable time for planting a seedling is April or May. You can plant a plant in the fall, but in the southern regions, so that it has time to take root before the onset of winter.

Rose Morden Centennial

The rose is unpretentious, but to ensure a lush and long flowering, all the rules of agricultural technology must be observed. The bush should be watered regularly, especially in the sultry heat, as well as during the application of organic and mineral fertilizers. In cool weather, the bushes are irrigated moderately, at the root. Do not allow the soil to dry out.

It is also important to carry out regular feeding (spring - nitrogen-containing preparations, summer - phosphorus and potassium), in spring or autumn to carry out sanitary pruning. To rejuvenate the bush, pruning is carried out at intervals of several years, strictly in the spring.

Canadian rose Morden Centennial: advantages and disadvantages

Recently, it is this Canadian variety that has begun to be in great demand among domestic agronomists, due to a large number of advantageous features.

  • Unpretentiousness in growing, even a novice florist can grow a plant.
  • Excellent decorative properties.
  • Long bloom.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Disease resistance.


As for the shortcomings, they are practically absent. The only thing that agronomists distinguish is the defeat of black spot in case of non-observance of the rules of agricultural technology and excessive moisture.

The Canadian park rose Moden Centennial is a unique flowering plant that deserves the attention of every agronomist.