Pelargonium Sutarves Klara San is one of the latest innovations bred by breeders from the Apple Blossom Rosebud variety. Like other ornamental plants, this flower has its own growing characteristics.

Sutarves Klara San - what kind

Pelargonium Sutarves Klara San belongs to the zonal varieties that breeders bred artificially. The plant first entered the flower markets in 2016. The new species is distinguished not only by beautiful flowering, but also by the ability to harmonize the microclimate. Also, experts note its unique medicinal properties. Sutarve Clara San differs from other varieties in its unpretentiousness, which makes it suitable for breeding by novice growers.

Pelargonium Sutarves Klara San

Description of pelargonium Klara San

Pelargonium Sutarve Clara San has a long flowering period. Inflorescences delight the owner from March to November, subject to proper care.

Klara San inflorescences are small roses with an unusual color. The color changes from the edges to the middle of the bud - from pale pink to light green. The diameter of the flower is 3.5 cm. Sutarves Anna San is a pelargonium, the appearance of which is very similar to the new variety, except that the Klara San bush is more compact.

Description of pelargonium Klara San

Geranium care

Factors affecting growth and flowering:

  • lighting;
  • pot volume;
  • top dressing;
  • trimming;
  • watering.

Klara San is a pelargonium that loves the sun, so it is placed in a well-lit place. Geranium does not tolerate shade well. In case of a lack of light, there will be few inflorescences, and the flowers themselves will grow small. It is better to choose a pot of small volume.

Note! You can determine the lack of sun by the faded color of the leaf and the elongation of geranium stems.

Do not expose flowers to the very sun. Geranium must be protected from prolonged exposure to harmful direct sunlight. The pot is shaded with transparent paper or cloth. In the winter months, you can make up for the lack of light by installing additional lighting.

The new variety is unpretentious, so the composition of the soil is not so important for it. However, the plant does not like high humidity; a neutral or slightly acidic soil reaction is suitable for it. The key to growing lush inflorescences is drainage. Before planting the plant, a layer of expanded clay must be placed on the bottom of the pot.

The composition of the substrate for growing pelargonium Clara Sun:

  • leafy land;
  • turf;
  • peat;
  • sand.

Note! All components are mixed in equal parts. Humus also gives nutrients to the soil, but it is best to use a ready-made substrate for rosebud pelargonium.

Moisture is an important factor in growing flowers. In the case of Clara Sun, watering should not be abundant, nor does she need to be sprayed. Usually in summer geranium is watered every day, and in winter only when the topsoil dries up. It is advised to loosen the substrate after watering for better water penetration.

Top dressing will make the flowering more lush. Fertilize the soil 2 times a month; in winter, fertilizing is not used. In the spring, you can use a nitrogenous composition, during the formation of flowers, a potassium-phosphorus complex. Don't use organic food - Clara Sun doesn't like her.

Important! Ash should not be used to feed the soil - it creates an acidic soil reaction.

Pruning is important to give the plant the correct shape. In order for the flowers to take the shape of a lush bush, you need to pinch young shoots from time to time. Adult plants are cut, the cut site is treated with charcoal, ash or brilliant green. Pruning is best done in spring.

Flowers are propagated by seeds, as well as by cuttings and dividing the bush.The procedure is carried out in early spring or mid-summer.

Pelargonium Sutarve Clara San is an unpretentious plant famous for its spectacular flowers. A novice florist can do quite well with the cultivation of this plant. With good care, geraniums will delight you with their flowering for a long time.