Autumn perennial flowers are perennial plants that bloom during the fall. They are the main decoration of the autumn garden and are used to create bright compositions on the site.

Blooming perennials are a godsend for any grower. After all, they do not require annual planting of seedlings, while pleasing the eye with beautiful flowers. Autumn garden flowers are notable for creating a bright corner, which in gloomy autumn weather not only decorates any garden or summer cottage, but also cheers up, allows you to plunge into summer.

Autumn perennials: TOP 10

Blooming perennials

In September, the sun comes out less and less, more and more clouds can be seen in the sky, at this time autumn flowers bloom in the garden.

There are many flowers among perennials, which have rightfully gained their popularity:

  • Phlox. One of the brightest representatives of autumn perennials. They differ in a variety of colors and a large number of varieties. Depending on the variety, they begin to bloom in the summer and delight with a long flowering until frost. Breeders have bred about 40 varieties, the height of which varies from 0.2 to 1.5 m.

Important! A large varietal variety allows you to use them, both on an alpine slide, and in group planting, for growing near ponds and near buildings.

  • Perennial aster. One of the most popular plants of the autumn garden are annual asters, which amaze with a riot of colors and a variety of flower shapes, but do not forget about perennial asters. Already starting in August, they begin to bloom, they are not even afraid of the first snow, they will still continue to illuminate the garden with bright bursts of red, blue, purple, white flowers. Now about 200 of their species are known, differing in size, shape of flowers, exactingness to growing conditions. They can be as low - 20 cm, and reach 150 cm. Flowers begin to form in spring, in autumn they become a real decoration of the country. In landscape design, they are used both in group plantings and single bushes. They are quite unpretentious to growing conditions, but have a big drawback - uncontrolled reproduction, a whole forest can grow from them.
  • Autumn crocuses. Surprisingly, crocuses bloom not only in spring, but also in autumn. It is so beautiful when a corner with small bright flowers appears around the fallen leaves. They are like a small child - low flowers, several pieces on a stalk. They have shades of blue, purple, amethyst. Looks good in rock gardens and next to perennial bushes.

Autumn crocuses

Important! Reproduction is carried out by tubers. When propagated by seeds, flowering can be achieved only for 4 years. The labor involved in growing from seed will not pay off for long.

  • Dahlias. Although dahlias are perennials, they should be dug up for the winter. But the beauty of this flower pays for all the efforts. A large number of flowers are collected on the hollow stem. Flowers can be either peony or spherical, anemic or collar. Looks good both in a single planting (due to the large size) and in a group.
  • Chrysanthemums. We must not forget about chrysanthemums. A large number of varieties have been bred by breeders: these are large-flowered, and Korean, and indoor chrysanthemums. It is the Korean chrysanthemum that pleases the eye in the autumn. It blooms before frost and is a small bush completely covered with a flower head.They not only decorate any flower bed, but also look great when cut, keeping their appearance for a long time.
  • Shrub hydrangea. No wonder she is also called the second queen of the garden, after the rose. This is a beautiful shrub, densely sprinkled with large flowers, reaching a diameter of 15 cm. The bright colors allow the hydrangea to always be in the spotlight. It needs fertile acidic soils to grow it. Shelter is required for reliability in winter.
  • Tricirtis. This flower is not familiar to every grower. But its exotic appearance is getting more and more attention. Tricirtis, planted on the site, will become its highlight. The plant is demanding, but taking care of it will pay off. When a vase with this flower is placed on the table, it is rightfully compared to an orchid.


Important! Cultivation requires fertile black earth soils, regular watering and protection from the wind.

  • Coreopsis. An unpretentious flower, somewhat similar to a chamomile, with a long flowering period from early July to frost. For its bright yellow color it received the second name - "sun". Indeed, he is like a little sun in a flower bed on gloomy autumn days.
  • Echinacea A well-known plant from the genus Aster. It has large flowers and bright red petals. Rudbeckia, another species of this plant, has flowers in the form of bright orange or yellow baskets.
  • Goldenrod. A tall plant with dense foliage. Bright yellow flowers are collected in a cluster. In appearance, the plant is quite simple, but looks great when cut, as an addition to the main composition.


Flower bed with autumn flowers

So that it does not happen that with the onset of autumn, the flower garden ceased to please the eye, since all the flowers have already departed, it is imperative to create an autumn flower bed.

Perennial flowers are enough to embody this idea. It is only important to harmoniously combine them with each other. Most of them tolerate temperature changes well and are undemanding to growing conditions.

Chrysanthemums are necessarily planted in flower beds, because they not only have a variety of shades, but also bloom before the onset of frost. Also, what kind of autumn flower bed can do without perennial asters. The main thing here is to choose the right color scheme so that it is combined with the rest of the colors in the composition.

Flower bed with chrysanthemums

In the center of the composition are tall hydrangea and dahlia flowers. Amaranths, no doubt, will become another decoration of the autumn flower bed. They kind of liberate her. Even from under the snow, they delight the eye with bright flower caps and bring notes of Provence to the classic style.

You can't forget about the rose. There are several winter-hardy varieties that bloom even on gloomy autumn days. They are not afraid of even a slight frost.

For a winning design of an autumn flower bed, it needs not only autumn flowers in the garden, but also just greens and cereals. For this purpose, plants such as graceful buteloa, reed grass, and molinia are planted. To add a touch of exoticism, you can plant monards on a flower bed. They have very unusual flowers that bloom in early fall.

On a note. Do not forget that a flower bed with perennial flowers can be supplemented with annuals. So, marigolds - one of the most unpretentious annuals, will delight the eye with long flowering throughout the fall. Depending on the idea, you can pick up plants of the desired height.

Autumn perennial care

Above, a little was said about caring for specific types of autumn flowers. There are common features in the care of all perennials that bloom in autumn. It is based on timely watering, loosening and weed control.

When creating flower beds, they take into account how comfortable the plants feel in the neighborhood, their requirements for the level of moisture and soil fertility, as well as for its balance.

Flower care

Most are fertilizer responsive. In this case, the first feeding is carried out after the snow cover disappears. During flowering, mineral fertilizers are applied. If necessary, tall flowers are tied up; in preparation for the winter period, it is necessary to cut the plants.Some species require shelter for a dormant period.

Even for autumn, you can pick up a composition of perennials that will bloom until the very frost, while delighting not only your owner, but also cheering up everyone who sees them. After all, a blooming island at this gloomy season is a real paradise.