It is difficult to imagine garden plots without flower beds. They ennoble the territory, making even the most modest summer cottage attractive. It is not difficult to find flowers for a flower bed. You can use chic bouquet annuals or meadow plants. Even blooming spicy greens turn the garden into a kind of rabatka.

The basics of landscape design

Semiramis is rightfully considered the ancestor of landscape design, her beautiful garden is a confirmation of this. Now this art is mastered by almost every summer resident. Fortunately, there are many opportunities for decorating the estate - the floral assortment is very large.

Flowers for flower beds

To create harmony, you should approach the process knowledgeably:

  • flower beds should always be in sight, so it is better to place them in front of the house or near specially designated areas for recreation;
  • the basis of design is always composition - the compatibility of various items:
  1. if we are talking about the site as a whole, then the objects that attract attention are the house and tall trees, all other elements complement them;
  2. As for the flower beds, a tall garden flower becomes the focal point of the composition.
  • all other components are secondary and help the focus in creating the overall picture:
  1. fill elements create a color background;
  2. accents serve as a contrast in color or shape (dimensions).
  • all items should be combined in size, "balancing" each other;
  • creating a flower bed arrangement, they pay attention to other nearby objects, trying to involve them in the zonal plan;
  • the correct selection of color shades is important, which not only affect the mood, but also help in visualizing the space.

Note! The shape and size of the flower garden must be consistent with the parameters of the site, the features of the relief.

About the combination of perennial flowers in a flower bed

Flowers are a great addition to the landscape, but they should not be planted randomly, but obeying the laws of design. To make flower beds happy throughout the season, it is recommended to use plants with different flowering periods in the composition.

When a combination of plants is selected, the effect should be created that some flowers seem to “take over” from others. For example, violets and crocuses are the first to smell, and they are replaced by hyacinths and tulips, etc., until late autumn.

Note! It is advisable to choose perennial and annual flowers for the flower bed. This will allow you to enjoy attractive colors from early spring until the first frost every year.

The combination of flowers in a flower bed, taking into account different heights, creates the impression that some plants seem to "look out" from behind others. In this case, crops with similar requirements for growing conditions should be used.

Flowers are a great addition to the landscape

List of recommended flowers for summer cottages

NameDescriptionBush height, cmBloomNote
Annual plants
Chinese asterDepending on the variety, the annual can be a spreading or compact bush.

The leaves are small, alternate. Combined baskets: in the center there are tubular flowers, along the edges - lingual.

Different shades other than orange and white
25 (short), 40 (medium), 70 (tall)June AugustThe plant is demanding on soils, but moisture does not really matter for it.

Outwardly, this terry flower in a flower bed looks like a chrysanthemum or peony.
MarigoldA bare ribbed stem with a thickening below.

Loose baskets can be one color or painted in 2 shades (dark orange or brownish red).

Leaves are wide, feathery
30-100 (depending on the variety)July - SeptemberOn the flowerbed, marigolds are found terry, non-double and medium version
ChrysanthemumIt grows as a bush with straight branching stems. The leaves are shiny and covered with a gray downy.

Inflorescences have a variety of shapes, sizes and colors.
Up to 50; 50-90; over 90August to late autumnThe plant is demanding for agricultural technology.

Sometimes grown in pots to be brought indoors at the end of the season.

The main purpose is cutting into bouquets
VerbenaHerbaceous shrub with densely pubescent 4-sided stems.

Leaves can be either oblong or elongated triangular.

Flowers 4 cm in diameter are collected in spike-shaped scutes. Available in various colors (except yellow)
50June - OctoberIt is a temperate plant.

It belongs to perennials, but is cultivated as an annual.

Seedlings are planted in open ground
SpurgeScattered pubescent (sometimes glabrous) erect stem is covered with spatulate, on short petioles, leaves 3 cm long.

The lower foliage dies off quickly.

It has original inflorescences - a lonely pistil surrounded by many staminate flowers.

All parts of the plant have the same tonality - yellow-green
50May bloom all summerWhen planting on the site, the toxicity of the bush should be taken into account
Perennial flowers
Garden yarrowErect unbranched stem with serrated pinnately dissected leaves.

Small flowers - ligulate white, tubular yellow, collected in inflorescences
20-80May - SeptemberUnpretentious to growing conditions.

Perennial garden yarrow in a flower bed without thinning forms extensive ovaries
PeriwinkleThe stems, although long, are creeping. The plant takes root with them. Leaves are entire, elliptical. Flowers are five-membered single blue shade, up to 2.5 cm in diameter60-90, but in a standing position 20 cmMay JuneGroundcover evergreen. In landscape design, periwinkle is best suited for alpine slides and rocky gardens
LavenderHemispherical bush with oblong, linear, sessile leaves.

The flowers are bluish-purple, small, collected in whorls (spikelets with a diameter of 1 cm)
100June JulyOn a flower bed, lavender prefers fertile soil. Due to its frost resistance, it can be grown in northern regions
AsterThe stem is erect, highly branching.

Leaves are small, narrow-lanceolate, basal - scapular.

Reed flowers, depending on the variety, have a different shape and color.

Tubular, exceptionally yellow.

The average diameter of the inflorescence is 3 cm
50-150Depends on the varietyLingual flowers give the basket a double appearance.

In the flowerbed, asters are unpretentious in care.

Often grown for cut into bouquets
DelphiniumBeautiful leafy erect stem with fringed-separate dissected leaves.

Inflorescences - pyramidal or cylindrical brushes with spurs, reaching a diameter of 7 cm
180June - SeptemberIt stands out for its variety of colors. Under unfavorable growing conditions, the flowers become smaller
HeucheraIt has a strong, thin, leafless stem.

The main foliage is toothed, finger-dissected, growing at the base of the bush.

In Heucher, small bells are gathered in panicles at the ends of the shoots.

The color depends on the variety
50-100June AugustIt develops well in all regions, but prefers a sunny hillock. Often grown for forcing and cutting
GeraniumStraight ribbed stems with edges in the upper part branch.

The leaves are appressed-hairy, large at the base and smaller at the tops.

Large, five-petal flowers are gathered in pairs at the top of the bush. Have reddish, purple, gray shades (depending on the species)
30-100June - SeptemberOutwardly differs from room geranium.

Can grow anywhere without requiring maintenance
SageCompact pyramidal bushes with tetrahedral branches.

The leaves are wide, ovate with an elongated tip.

The inflorescences are a complex raceme 20 cm in diameter.

Can be white, blue or brightly colored
More than 120June JulyIt is best cultivated in seedlings.

Prefers a lighted area with loose soil
AconiteIn the upper part, the stem is covered with a short downy.

The leaves are large, with narrow linear segments.

Yellow (sometimes blue) flowers can be recognized by the helmet-shaped upper petal.

They are collected in brushes from 10 to 40 m
100July AugustThe plant is unpretentious, but needs a transplant every 3 years
BarberryAn ornamental shrub with thorny branches. Rhomboid rounded leaves are collected in 4 pieces on shortened shoots.

Below the foliage is lighter, with a bluish bloom. Apical racemose inflorescences consist of golden yellow buds
300May JuneProduces reddish fruits with a sour taste. It is rarely used for flower beds - only as an additional element of a group composition.

More suitable for hedges
MallowLeafy stems, erect. Large toothed, cordate leaves, wrinkled and pubescent.

Sessile flowers (15 cm) are collected in a large raceme.

There are various colors, except blue
250June - July, some varieties - until SeptemberThe stem develops only in the 2nd year.

Heat-loving plant, does not bloom in cold summer
RudbeckiaRomashka-like upright branchy bush with stiff pubescent stems.

It has an edge and oval leaves.

Brownish-red or yellow flowers (sometimes purple) 1.5 cm long form baskets 19 cm in diameter
100-150June JulyOften used in group plantings, as an annual.

Drought-resistant, resistant to frost, not picky about care
MonardaOval pointed leaves grow on rigid tetrahedral erect stems.

Red or purple splendor gathered in capitate inflorescences
80-100July AugustRequires well-fertilized moist soil.

Loyal to other conditions
HostaThere is no stem as such - the plant forms a "pillow" of leaves, long, ovoid-oval.

Depending on the variety, they can be not only green, but also golden-white, gray or blue.

Peduncles without leaves, with one-sided racemose inflorescences of funnel-shaped bells of various shades of blue
Leaves - 20-40; peduncles - up to 105JulyHe prefers sour loams and does not like cold winters, as well as sultry summers.

A relatively shade-loving bush that thrives in cramped conditions
ChamomileNumerous species, including field and garden options, differing in the size of leaves and flowers. You can recognize the plant by its flower baskets, the middle of which is formed by many yellow tubes.

Edges framed by white tongue petals
60-100May - September (depending on the variety)In flower beds, the most often planted is a daisy, which requires transplanting every 5 years.

From ornamental plants for flower beds that are not included in the table, iris (iris) will help to create beautiful compositions, of which more than 400 varieties of different colors have already been created.

In nature, there are many interesting wild plants that have found their place in summer cottages. For example, some are attracted by their decorativeness of nettle (despite its property of leaving burns on the body).


When deciding what flowers to plant on a flower bed, why not pay attention to ferns - they will become a real decoration of the flower bed. But these plants are capricious and require a lot of attention to themselves. Although the flower beds look very original with a fern.

Even herbs (marjoram, lemon balm, rosemary, rue, etc.) are great additions. Perennial flowers for the garden serve not only as a decor - they scare away harmful insects from the beds and flower beds.

Flower planting schemes in a flower bed

Having figured out which one - and perennial flowers to take for a flower bed, they begin to design a flower garden. It is proposed to consider for beginners an analysis of examples of a flower planting scheme in a flower bed.

Note! Usually the flower garden has the correct geometric shape. In this case, the central part should be slightly raised so that it is clearly visible from all sides.

When creating a flower bed, perform the following actions:

  • outlining the boundaries of the flower garden, remove a layer of soil 15 cm thick;
  • having tamped the surface, the mini-pit is covered with broken brick, gravel or pebbles;
  • if you plan to break the flower bed into sectors, do it using a marking twine;
  • a layer of earth of the order of 40-50 cm is poured in the center of the flower garden;
  • moving to the edge, the height of the soil is reduced to 10 cm;
  • the perimeter of the flower bed is framed with bumpers made of stone or brick.

Important! It is impossible to plant plants right away - the earth must settle. This will take about 2-3 weeks.

A flower bed can be of the same type, but combined plantings look more interesting. This is where you need to learn how to combine colors. There are only 3 main shades in the main spectrum: red, yellow, blue. Combining them gives additional rainbow stripes.

On a note. If plants close in tonality are planted nearby, they will level each other. Contrast will add saturation to each color. Annuals with red flowers win especially here.

The selection of flowers depends on the size of the flower bed: the smaller the area, the more bright colors are planted. But the flower garden should be based on achromatic colors - white, black and gray. At the same time, dark shades will help to narrow and remove space, light shades will bring closer and expand.

Caring for a flower garden with perennial flowers

For plants to develop better, they need conditions for photosynthesis. Light, carbon dioxide and partly water are provided by nature. The florist only needs to correct these points a little. The main care for perennials is reduced to feeding, combating weeds, pests and diseases.

You cannot do without loosening the soil and mulching. It is also worth worrying about a comfortable wintering of plants. Then the dacha every year will be filled with a heady floral aroma and delight the eye with an abundance of colors.