Spectacular bulbous flowers, hyacinths from the Asparagus family, have won the hearts of gardeners not only with their appearance, but also with a pleasant persistent aroma. They are planted next to the gazebos in order to admire the massive peduncles with many flowers of different colors over a cup of tea and inhale the delicious smell. The culture is quite capricious. It requires proper care. A gardener who decides to grow this plant must have some knowledge. For example, when to plant hyacinths with bulbs and how to do it correctly, why dig up the bulbs every summer, how to plant flower seeds.



In stores, you can most often find flower bulbs. It is they who are planted in open ground in the fall. As soon as the snow melts, a powerful stem with a brush of dense flowers emerges in the garden.

It is necessary to grow a crop in a lighted area, but not under the scorching sun. The bed should be in a place where groundwater does not accumulate. Too waterlogged soil can lead to fungal diseases. It is recommended to grow the crop in a low elevation or high bed.

Note! Cultivation of crops should not be organized in the near-trunk circles of fruit trees. The reason is that strong, tall plants drain the soil as much as possible. As a result, demanding flowers lack nutrition. They become frail, bloom modestly and do not give good offspring.

A member of the Asparagus family will thrive only on loose, breathable soils. The land must be fertile. Before planting, the bed is well dug up, weeds, stones and debris are removed. Peat and humus are introduced. If the soil is too clayey, fine river sand and peat bog are added to it. The summer resident must monitor the pH level of the soil. It is best if the soil is neutral or slightly acidic.


The garden bed is prepared 30-40 days before planting the crop. Hyacinth, which is planted mainly in autumn, also needs mineral fertilizers. Immediately before planting the bulbs, superphosphate, potassium, magnesium, fly ash are introduced into the ground. When to plant hyacinths outdoors in autumn? In the central part of Russia, the procedure is organized on any autumn day at the end of September. Don't rush into planting, or the bulbs will take root and start to release a stem. When the cold weather comes, the plant will die. If you plant a perennial just before the frosts, then there is a high probability that the onion will not take root.

Planting hyacinths in the ground involves placing the bulbs in the ground to a depth of 10-12 cm. Before planting the hyacinth, a sand pillow is placed in each hole. The distance between adjacent flowers is about 15-23 cm. After planting is completed, the place is watered and mulched with sawdust, straw, peat. A film or spunbond is put on the future flower garden.


  • In early spring, the bed is opened from the film.
  • Watering is carried out as needed. You can water the flower garden once every 7-10 days. If it's hot outside, the event is organized more often.
  • The soil is gently loosened several times a month.
  • In the spring and early summer, fertilizers with nitrogen are applied to the crop. In summer, the land is fertilized with phosphorus, potassium. Before the bulbs are transferred for storage, the plant is again fertilized with preparations with potassium and phosphorus.
  • After flowering is complete, the flowers remain in the garden until they dry.After 30-50 days, when the leaves are completely withered, the bulbs are dug out of the ground. They are transferred to the house for storage. So they recuperate.
  • In the fall, planting material is planted in the garden bed.
  • Homemade hyacinths, after flowering, are also taken out of the ground and left for storage. A pot of soil is not suitable for bulb storage purposes.

Important! Practically the most important condition for good flower development is regular weeding of the soil in the flower garden. Hyacinths hate weeds. To avoid the constant work of removing weeds, the soil is mulched abundantly with grass, sawdust, peat or straw.

Hyacinth seeds

Growing a crop usually means planting bulbs. But breeders and some gardeners prefer a different way of propagating flowering perennials. It's about planting seeds. In this case, there are both disadvantages and advantages. The disadvantages include too long a process. Seeing the flowers of a plant that was planted from a seed is obtained only after 5-7 years. The advantages of this reproduction method include the ability to get an unusual type of flower. The fact is that hyacinth seeds do not adopt the characteristics of the mother plant.

Hyacinth seeds

Many summer residents ask themselves the question: "What do hyacinth seeds look like?" Seeds ripen in fruits in the form of medium-sized bolls that appear after flowering. The boxes may only be removed after drying. The torn boxes are brought into the house and left to dry for several weeks. After that, you can open the fruit. Hyacinth seeds are very small - 1-3 mm. They resemble dark sand. If you look closely, the dark rounded part of the seed has a light tip.

After the seed has ended up at the summer resident, the seeds are cleaned of excess debris and put into miniature bags. The bags are stored in the basement, where it is dark and cool. So for the seeds that are planned to be planted this year, vernalization is organized.

Hyacinth planting rules in autumn


Planting hyacinths in autumn when and how to plant seeds correctly? Experienced gardeners recommend doing this in early September. It's about central Russia. Roughly the seed is buried in the ground 20-30 days before planting the bulbs. Seeds need more time to develop.

Soil and place

The garden bed is prepared in the same way as for the bulbs, a month before planting. The soil is well dug up. Peat, humus, river sand are introduced. The seeds will take root in loose, breathable fertile soil. Complex mineral fertilizers are also applied.

A place for culture is selected without drafts, light, but not completely open, so that the sun's rays do not burn the plant. If the garden is large, then it will be easy to find a place.

Step by step guide

  1. Moisten the ridge before planting.
  2. Trenches are made in it, about 1-2 cm deep.
  3. Hyacinth seeds are sown in the recesses. Due to the fact that they are small, they are not planted very rarely.
  4. The planting scheme implies a distance between rows (trenches) of about 10-15 cm. It is allowed to sow 250 pieces of seed per square meter.
  5. If it is supposed to grow an indoor flower, then the seed is embedded in containers with soil mixture. After that, these containers are removed underground or in the refrigerator. Thus, the conditions become close to natural.

Additional Information. The day when to plant hyacinths is chosen by the gardener. The most optimal time will be a quiet autumn afternoon without wind, bright sun and rain.

Time of year for planting

Hyacinth seeds can be planted at home at any time of the year. But if we are talking about growing them in the garden, then only two seasons are suitable for planting:

  1. Fall;
  2. Spring.

Summer is not suitable due to too warm weather and insufficient soil moisture. Spring is perfect for planting. The air temperature is not high, but the ground is humid after the snow melts.However, agronomists know that if the seed is planted in April or May, the seedlings will appear only after 12 months. This is too long, considering that a plant grown from a seed blooms only after 5-7 years.

Planting hyacinths

Therefore, many summer residents choose autumn for planting seeds. In this case, seedlings appear already with the arrival of the first warm spring days. However, it is important to know when to plant hyacinths outdoors in the fall. This is done at the very beginning of September.

Tips from experienced summer residents

  • After all the manipulations for planting seeds, the bed is covered with peat, straw, compost or dry foliage. The mulch layer should be at least 20-25 cm. This is necessary so that the seeds do not die during the cold season.
  • In the spring, the first shoots are observed in the garden. They need to be well cared for. A full-fledged onion begins to develop in the ground at this time.
  • Water the future flower garden every 5-8 days. Do not allow the soil to dry out or waterlogging.
  • The plant is fertilized 3 times: in spring, at the beginning and at the end of summer. It is allowed to add potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus. It is better if the substances are in complex solutions.
  • The weeds are removed.
  • The bed is carefully loosened.
  • You can not let animals on the future flower garden that will damage fragile stems.
  • In the first year, the onion is not dug out of the ground and transplanted, since the material is too fragile.
  • The procedures for removing the bulb from the ground, storing it and planting it in the fall start from the second year of the life of the hyacinth, which is grown from the seed.
  • Do the same with plants that grow at home. The indoor flower is not removed from the pot for 24 months after planting the seed.

Growing hyacinths from seeds requires patience. However, if everything is done correctly, then later you can get a flower of amazing beauty, which will differ from all the others blooming in the garden.