If you take care of the hosta Mediovariety correctly, then she will delight the eye with her appearance throughout the season. This plant is able to decorate any garden, terrace or flower bed. The article will tell you in more detail about what kind of plant it is, and what are the rules for caring for it.


Hosta Mediovariegata is a perennial plant that belongs to the Liliaceae family. Hosta Mediovariegata was launched in 1930 and immediately gained wide popularity all over the world. Another feature is early flowering. The name of the variety owes its origin to the beautiful color of the leaves.

Features of the variety

The rhizome in this species is thickened. A large number of long, thin roots emerge from it. The roots are well adapted to growing in moist soil.

Hosta MediaVariety

Hosta Undulata Mediovariogata is described as having funnel-shaped flowers that look like lilies in appearance. All flowers of the bush come out of one rhizome, and differ in shape, size and color. Some leaves do not exceed a match in size, others can even grow up to half a meter in size. Primary colors are various shades of green and blue-gray.

Hosta wavy Mediovariegata is a variety whose important features are ease of care and high adaptability to living conditions.

Important! Most diseases of herbal plants are not dangerous for the hosts of the Media Parties.

The color of this plant is pleasant, the leaves of the hosta are light green at the edges, white in the center. The flowers are bluish or light purple in color, 5 cm in size.The length of the flower-bearing stems can reach 80 cm.

Hosta Undulata is capable of growing in one place for at least ten years.

Agricultural technology of cultivation

This plant is able to grow well in various types of soil. However, hosta Undulata prefers loose ones with moderate moisture, which is combined with mild acidity. At the same time, loam and sand are undesirable for them.

When planting a plant, you need to take into account what kind of illumination is in this place. The best option for a flower will depend on the color of the leaves. If they are bright green, good lighting may be the best choice. In the case when the leaves are blue-gray, they are more suitable when the sunlight will fall on them for no longer than two hours a day.

Important! It is undesirable if there will be drafts in the place where the host's wavy Mediovariety will grow.

Fertilizing the plant is necessary. The need for it increases if it grows on soil that is not rich in useful substances. Suitable for this purpose:

  • mineral fertilizers;
  • compost;
  • humus;
  • peat.

Prepare the soil for planting in the fall. On the site that is intended for planting hosts, you need to put a 10 cm layer of organic fertilizer. After that, it is recommended to dig up the ground. This should be done to the depth of the shovel bayonet.

The plant is planted in the ground in the spring. The distance between the holes is chosen in accordance with how large the plant is. For large bushes, the MediaVariety hosts are a good choice at a distance of 80-100 cm.

When planting, the seedling is placed in a hole no more than 3 cm deep.You need to pay special attention to the roots: they must be carefully straightened and covered with earth. After planting, water them abundantly and sprinkle with chopped bark for mulching.

The best food for flowers are peat and humus. However, if the soil at the planting site is fertile, then the plant can live for two or three years without feeding.

Mineral fertilizers are almost unnecessary for the hosts. If liquid fertilizers are used, then feeding is done every two weeks, starting in mid-July.

Water this plant abundantly. If it lacks moisture, it will be visible by the darkening of the tips of the leaves.

Hosta wavy MediaVariety

When watering, you need to ensure that:

  1. Water does not get on the tips of the leaves - because of this, they can deteriorate.
  2. The jet would not be too strong - this can lead to compaction of the soil next to the plant.
  3. Watering was carried out in the early morning.

For this plant, infection with a fungal disease phyllosticosis is dangerous. The host also needs to be protected from pests.

If a plant is attacked by slugs, a folk method can be used to combat them. At the same time, containers with beer are placed around the diseased plant, slugs, attracted by the smell, leave the host. Then they are collected and destroyed.

When attacking caterpillars or grasshoppers, specialized chemical agents will be required for protection.

Buying a plant

You can buy hosta seedlings in a specialized store. At the same time, you need to be able to choose the healthiest plants:

  1. You need to take a closer look at the root system of the seedling. She should look strong and healthy.
  2. The leaf buds of the seedlings should be well defined and developed. If the leaves have already unfolded, making a purchase is not recommended. In this case, the root system will be weakened; after planting in the soil, it will develop slowly.


Plants that are sold in pots are not recommended to buy as seedlings. Although, looking at them, you can see what color the plant will have, nevertheless, it will be difficult for them to take root in a new place.

After the purchase, you need to create conditions for the seedlings so that they are well preserved before planting in the ground. To do this, they must be placed in a dark and cool place. If rot has formed during storage, it must be removed, it is recommended to grease the cut point with brilliant green.

Before planting, the roots of the plant are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The plant is allowed to be planted in the ground, both in autumn and spring. If you choose the first option, then this should be done at the very beginning of autumn. The best time is in late August and early September. In this case, the seedling will have time to take root in a new place.

In the event that spring is chosen for planting, it is recommended to wait until the frost has passed, and soon after that, plant the plant in the ground.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The main advantages of this variety are:

  • beautiful and original look;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • frost resistance;
  • tolerates heat well;
  • resistance to diseases and pests.

No obvious flaws were found. Hosta Mediovariegata is a wonderful decoration of the garden and does not require additional maintenance.