Hydrangea, or hydrangia, is a treelike flowering shrub that belongs to the Hortensia family. It is difficult to remain indifferent at the sight of these beautiful large inflorescences. This family includes about a dozen species of shrubs, vines or small trees.

Description of culture

Hydrangia appeared in England and France at the beginning of the fourteenth century and was represented by only 2 species: white and scarlet.

The hydrangea bush can grow up to 3 meters in height, but there is a liana-like species that can reach a length of 30 m.

In Europe, only deciduous hydrangia are grown.


Types of hydrangeas

The following plant species are found:

  • large-leaved;
  • panicle;
  • tree-like;
  • creeping.

The flowering period lasts from late spring to late autumn.

There are two types of flowers in the inflorescences:

  • fertile, or small-fertile;
  • sterile, or sterile.

Fertile ones are in the center of the inflorescence, and infertile ones are at the edges. Some species have inflorescences containing only fertile flowers. There are two types of inflorescences on the hydrangea bush: paniculate and corymbose.

Hydrangeas are grown with inflorescences of the following colors:

  • white;
  • blue;
  • purple;
  • lilac;
  • pink;
  • red.

The color of the inflorescences depends not only on the variety, but also on the composition of the soil on which the bush grows. On acidic soils, the inflorescences will be blue, on neutral (pH 5.5) - beige, on alkaline - pink or lilac. The blue color of hydrangia flowers growing on acidic soil is given by aluminum compounds found in acidic soil.

Garden hydrangea

The hydrangea fruit has the form of a box, in which there are 2 to 5 separate chambers, each of which contains small seeds.

One of the most popular types of hydrangia is a large-leaved species, the inflorescences of which have sterile large flowers. About 600 varieties of this shrub have been bred.

Attention! Hydrangea is a poisonous plant, therefore it is forbidden to use it for food.

Growing features

Hydrangea grows best in acidic soils. For better air penetration into the soil, the ground around the shrub must be periodically loosened.

Hydrangea does not grow well in sunny areas, so it is better to choose a place for planting in the shade or partial shade. In a sunny area, the plant develops more slowly, and the flowers become smaller.

Hydrangea does not grow well in sunny areas

Watering the hydrangia should be done with settled or rainwater, since the shrub does not tolerate lime well. Watering time is morning or evening. This will allow the plant to avoid sunburn. 1 time a week, at least 2 buckets of water are poured under an adult bush.

Hydrangea propagates by green cuttings.

Planting is usually carried out in the spring when there is no night frost.

2-3 weeks before landing, they dig a hole, up to 0.5 m deep, and with sides up to 0.7 m.Sod, leafy soil, sand and peat are poured into it in equal proportions. It is not recommended to prepare an alkaline soil, since its alkalinity is a possible cause of hydrangea chlorosis. Further, mineral fertilizers and organic matter are introduced into the planting hole. The root collar of the seedling should be at ground level.

Hydrangea propagates by green cuttings.

Starting from 3-4 years old, the bush is formed annually.

Why does hydrangea wither

If the care of the shrub is correct, then it has a luxurious look throughout the growing season. If the technology of growing a plant is not followed, hydrangia can get sick.

What to do if hydrangea dries

First you need to determine the cause of the disease. If the leaf dries, then the reasons for this may be:

  • incorrect soil pH;
  • direct sunlight;
  • watering the plant with tap water;
  • lack of moisture in the soil;
  • insufficient or excessive amount of trace elements in the soil.

Incorrect soil composition

In order for the shrub to develop well, an important condition must be fulfilled - the soil can be acidic or moderately acidic. For hydrangea, the pH should be in the range of 4.0-6.0. In the case of alkaline soil, the leaf will begin to dry out over the entire area.

Attention! The color of the leaves of the plant depends on the acidity of the soil. The more acidic it is, the darker the leaves of the hydrangea.

If the soil is alkaline, then the acidity of the soil can be restored by irrigation with acidified water (for example, with the addition of lemon juice).

Insufficient plant nutrition

If the leaves turn black or yellow, then the soil may not have enough iron or nitrogen.

During the flowering period, it is necessary to feed the hydrangea with a complex fertilizer intended for flowering plants.

Fertilizing the shrub with iron chelate

Also, a lack of trace elements can occur in the spring, when the hydrangea begins to actively develop. How to reanimate hydrangea in this case? To do this, you need to carry out foliar feeding of the shrub with iron chelate.

However, hydrangia responds poorly not only to a lack, but also to an excess of fertilizers. Therefore, after the end of flowering, it is necessary to reduce the dose of applied mineral fertilizers.

Excessive sunlight

One of the reasons why hydrangea leaves dry out is because the plant is not in the shade, but in the sun.

Hydrangea does not develop well in direct sunlight. Therefore, resuscitation consists in transplanting a plant in partial shade or creating an artificial shade using a special shading mesh.

Excessive sunlight

If the bush is home and grows indoors, then it is best to place the pot on the west or east window. You also need to make sure that the leaf does not touch the window glass. If the sheet touches the glass, the sun can burn it.

Insufficiently moist soil

Due to a lack of moisture, the leaves of the bush will dry out over time.

Hydrangia is a moisture-loving plant, therefore, mandatory regular watering will allow you to get beautiful flowers.

To revive the street bush will allow an increase in watering, as well as mulching the soil. If the bush is indoor, then you can use a humidifier. Instead, you can install a container near the flower, into which water is periodically poured.

However, the plant also does not like an excess of moisture, since this contributes to the development of root rot.

Using hard water for watering

Tap water contains many impurities, including lime. And hydrangea is quite sensitive to them. Therefore, it is best to use settled water for irrigation. For this, special open containers can be used, which are best placed in the sun. In this case, you can get warm and soft water for irrigation.

Landing errors

One of the reasons why hydrangea leaves dry at the edges are the mistakes that were made when planting the plant.

Damage to the root system

Hydrangea has a very delicate root system, so the plant must be transplanted very carefully, without damaging the small roots. Damage to them can lead to the fact that the bush will be difficult to take root and hurt for a long time.

Attention! Buying a seedling is a very responsible business. It is important to check the health of the root system.

Also, you cannot prune the roots when planting. It is allowed to trim the roots only if they are rotten, diseased or damaged by insects. Rotten roots are dark brown and healthy ones are white. The cut sites are processed with crushed activated carbon.

Watering with the addition of Zircon, which is carried out once a week, can help the better survival of the plant.

Errors when choosing a landing site

If the soil is not acidic, but alkaline or neutral, then the plant will be difficult to take root. Therefore, in this case, it is necessary to acidify the soil, otherwise the bush may dry out.

If the soil is not acidic, then the plant will be difficult to take root.

If a garden is chosen for planting, then it is important not to place the seedling in a draft, it is also necessary to protect it from sudden temperature changes and hypothermia.

Hydrangea diseases

What to do if hydrangea leaves wither? Perhaps the plant is sick. In order to choose the right treatment method, it is important to accurately identify the disease.

Dry blackening

If the edges of the leaf are covered with brown spots and become dry, then this indicates that:

  • the plant is watered with hard water;
  • the leaf was sunburned.

After stains appear, the foliage will wither and wither.

Wet blackening

The leaves darken and lose their firmness. This may be due to:

  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • exposure to the draft of the place where the bush grows;
  • excessive watering;
  • heavy soil.

Why is the garden hydrangea still withering? A possible cause is a fungal infection of the plant.

White rot

Fungal root disease. With such a disease, the bush gradually dies, since the affected root system cannot provide the plant with the required amount of nutrients.

White rot


  • white, cotton-like plaque on the shoots;
  • blackening of shoots.


To treat the affected plant, fungicides Fitosporin, copper oxychloride, etc. are used.

Gray rot


  • Flower tissues become soft and watery;
  • Affected plant parts die off in a dry environment. After them, holes remain on the stems;
  • In a humid environment, the affected areas become covered with a gray coating.


The diseased areas are removed mechanically. Then houseplants are treated with Chistotsvet, Fundazol or Skor. Garden species are treated with Rovral Flo 255 SC every three weeks.



The appearance of dark brown spots, up to 6 mm in size, on the leaves. The affected leaves gradually begin to dry out and die off.


Treatment with copper-containing preparations, for example, copper sulfate.

Powdery mildew


The formation of yellow-green spots on the leaves. Gradually, the spots darken and acquire a brown color. The back of the leaf is covered with a purple or gray coating. Winter for a diseased plant usually brings death.

Powdery mildew


At the first symptoms of damage, the fungicide Fitosporin is used, and in an advanced form - Skor, Topaz or Purest flowers.

Thus, when purchasing a seedling through a store or on the market, you need to make sure that the young plant is not susceptible to fungal disease.

Disease prevention

Inspection of seedlings and proper care of the plant are the main prevention of diseases. Be sure to loosen the soil around the plant during the entire growing season.

In the spring, you can treat the plant with copper-containing preparations, for example, copper sulfate (100 grams per 10 liters of water).You can also use drugs Topaz, Fitosporin, etc.

Copper sulfate

At the end of spring, it is necessary to make nitrogen-containing dressings, in the summer - phosphorus-potassium, and in the fall - phosphorus.

How to save a wilted hydrangea

If the bush is dead, then you can try to revive it. If the plant is garden, then in the spring all frozen parts are removed. If the plant is affected by rot, then the cut is performed 1 cm below the affected part. The cut points must be sprinkled with ash, activated carbon, etc. After trimming each affected area, the pruner is disinfected. The treatment of the bush is carried out with drugs, depending on the disease.

Wood ash for fertilization

How to revive a cut hydrangea? If a withered flower is in a vase, then you need to get it out of there, cut off the lower part obliquely and place the plant in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. After the air bubbles have finished coming out of the stem, you need to get the plant, cut off the part that was in the boiling water, and put the flower in cold water. After that, your vase will look elegant again.

Hydrangea dries at home in a pot

If the beginning of a houseplant disappears, then it must be brought into the house (if the pot was on the street), cut off the entire affected part and treated with HOM for fungal infections.

In the case when even the entire green part has died, there is still no need to throw out the hydrangea. Continue to water the potted soil in moderation. Perhaps after this, the dormant buds will wake up, and the plant will start growing again.