A plant called oregano or garden oregano is grown in the garden, as it is a representative of cultivated herbs used in various branches of human activity. To obtain a high yield, a well-fertilized soil is needed. You also need to take into account that there are several ways to reproduce it: by seeds, cuttings, seedlings, dividing the bush, so each gardener chooses the best way to plant.

Plant in the second year of life

You can plant oregano anywhere on the site, as this plant is unpretentious to environmental conditions. It is optimal that there is light shade in the habitat, but sunny areas will not prevent the gardener from getting a good harvest. Habitat across the country - everywhere, except for the harsh conditions of the Far North. Also, the grass can take root in small-leaved forests - aspen, birch or alder, since the amount of sunlight will be ideal for subsequent development. Oregano does not require abundant watering; during the hot season, spraying can be done.

Reproduction of culture

Efficient breeding assumes that new crops can be grown from seed, rhizomes, cuttings or seedlings. The first method accounts for up to 50% of all plantings, since the seeds retain high germination rates for 8 years after collection - up to 70% of seeds germinate successfully.

A cultivated herb can also be planted with seedlings, but for this purpose it is necessary to study the features of transplanting into open ground. The Moscow region assumes such work will be carried out in late spring.

Sowing with seeds

The oregano plant, directly grown from the seeds of which is carried out in compliance with special rules, gives a good decorative effect. Sowing with seeds can be carried out directly into open ground, bypassing the phase of preparing the plant for transplanting at home (seedlings). It is important to remember here that up to 30% of the seeds may not sprout in the future, so it is recommended to sow a little more to get the required amount of oregano.

Oregano has seeds that are able to absorb well the soil of the middle lane. Sowing is considered timely if it was sowed into warmed-up soil (when the air temperature is 10 degrees, and morning frosts will completely stop). The optimal time for work is on the 20th of May.

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the land - the area of ​​soil where the oregano is supposed to be grown must be well dug up. This will allow sufficient oxygen to enter the fertile layer.

The next step is high-quality soil moisture. After that, the cultivation will be carried out in row spacings about 40 cm wide. The planting process itself is carried out in shallow grooves or also shallow holes. From above it is required to sprinkle the seeds with a thin layer of soil, do not press or tamp. The subsequent process assumes that the soil will be well moistened.

Seedlings after planting in the ground will appear no earlier than two weeks, but subject to warm weather, without strong winds and precipitation. It is important to consider such a moment: oregano on its own plot, when grown according to all the rules, will bloom only in the second year, that is, in the first season, it will be possible to observe exclusively green shoots.It is necessary to take into account the negative property of seeds, which is a disadvantage of this method of sowing - they hatch through the soil for a very long time.

Seedlings obtained from seeds

Also, the shoots that have taken root are very delicate, therefore, an important stage of protection will be to protect them from heavy rain. The reason is the possibility of leaching from the soil. Another important action that will be required from the gardener is protection from weeds and pests. Weed plants grow very quickly, so weeding should be done every 2-3 days, as they take nutrients from the cultivated plant and deplete the soil. A large number of weeds does not allow oregano to grow stronger and start growing. An experienced agricultural technician will be able to suggest the nuances of subsequent care, consultation with him will help to avoid common mistakes and get a decent harvest.

Planting and caring for oregano that has been grown and planted outdoors does not require special knowledge, but during the period when the first shoots appear, additional attention to planting may be required. Seedlings will need to be thinned out, you need to get rid of weak or diseased units, leave strong and powerful specimens.

Planting seedlings

When thinking about how to grow oregano yourself, you need to remember about the possibility of using seedlings. It is important to consider that you will first need to sow seeds at home, get seedlings and reach the level of hardened seedlings before transplanting into open ground. Ordinary oregano, planting and care in the open field for which should be done according to the rules, as is the case with any other cultivated plants.

The method of growing oregano at home is quite simple, so even a novice gardener can cope with the task. Homemade seedlings can be obtained from seeds that are provided with good conditions for temperature and humidity.

It is not required to carry out any special measures for germinating seeds.

Since they do not need to be pre-treated with disinfectant solutions, warmed up or soaked, the seeds are immediately sown into the soil to obtain seedlings. Initially, a perennial shrub is a small material for planting. So, if you plan to sow a plot with an area of ​​10 m², you will need to take about 1000 seeds. If all the steps to obtain seedlings are carried out correctly, then by the end of summer it will be possible to look at the bush, whose height is about 70 cm.

Seedlings that are ready for replanting

Preparing the soil for the plant and pre-selecting the site are important steps in the process of growing oregano or other species of this plant. It is recommended to choose light soil for germinating seeds and getting seedlings. High-quality peat is perfect for this purpose. Before placing the grains in it, the substrate can be watered not only with ordinary water, but also with a growth stimulator. If the second option is chosen, then you need to prepare a solution at the rate of 5 drops of the composition per 1 liter of water, it should be at room temperature or slightly warmer, but not hot.

It is important to consider! The use of growth stimulants is optional but desirable. This is due to the fact that oregano seeds will sprout on their own in 7-9 days.

Oregano, which is grown at home, should be located in a warm room. A windowsill will be a good place for the growth of seedlings, since a special microclimate is created there, a sufficient amount of oxygen is supplied, and natural light is present.

The peculiarity of cultivation is that for the first 7 days the container where there are seeds can be kept without additional lighting, but not in complete darkness.

Important conditions at this stage of the formation of a cultivated plant are:

  • well-moistened soil;
  • ambient temperature is not lower than 22 degrees.

After the appearance of the first shoots, the watering regime must be observed.

Oregano, preparation, planting and caring for which requires adherence to the rules of sowing, gives an extraordinary honey aroma that can fill the entire garden. The basic sowing rules for the purpose of obtaining seedlings suggest the beginning of events in mid-February - early March. The optimum sowing depth of seeds due to their small size should not exceed ½ cm.

It is important to take into account that watering the soil should be carried out before planting, so that the seeds do not jump out of the holes.

It is recommended to additionally cover the container with transparent film or glass to create suitable temperature values. In the future, you will need to open the container, since the seedlings will increase in size.

The soil must always be moist - drying out harms the health of the plant. At the time the first seedlings appear, you will need to rearrange them where you can get more sunlight, usually the south side of the room.

Attention! During airing, the oregano will need to be removed to another room, since the draft negatively affects immature plants.

Individual containers can be planted in open ground if they are made of special material

The next stage is caring for the hardened seedlings. This process includes watering, removal of sprouted weeds, which also appear in the soil. It is necessary to get rid of them, since they can weaken young shoots, since the weed takes up a significant part of the nutrients contained in the soil.

At any dacha or in a private house with a vegetable garden, when planting seedlings, a pick is subsequently required. It is required when the first true leaf has formed on the seedlings. It is then that it is recommended that each copy be seated in separate cups. The plant remains in it for another 4 weeks.

Picking description: is a useful and uncomplicated process that promotes better lateral root development. As a result, the matured plant becomes stronger, since the nutrients available in the earth are enough for it. There are 2 main ways to carry out a pick:

  • transplanting seedlings with soil;
  • transplant without soil.

Harvesting grass the next year after planting

In the first case, in the open ground or in a new container, a recess is made into which a glass with seedlings can be placed. In the second case, it is necessary to carefully remove the plant from the container, being careful not to damage the roots. For the period of getting used to new conditions, oregano should be protected from direct sunlight, wind and excess moisture.

No special care or fertilization is required. The harvest is harvested in the second year, in the first - origano will only give green shoots and begin to form a small bush.

Culture care

If it is assumed that oregano Khutoryanka or any other variety of this plant will be grown in the garden, then special or complex care will not be required. It is recommended to plant it in already fertilized soil.

Additional feeding is carried out according to the usual scheme - 1-2 times a year. This is due to the fact that as soon as the soil receives nutrients, oregano begins to actively grow. That is why, by adhering to the recommendations for feeding, you can control the amount of culture in the garden.

Watering is also part of plant care. Oregano, Cretan variety and other representatives, for example, Greek oregano, do not need abundant watering.

The soil should be moderately moist so that the plant feels as comfortable as possible. Oregano, planting and additional care of which involves weeding, does not like the neighborhood with other herbs, especially weeds, so they will need to be removed regularly.If you want to plant unusual plants in your garden, then oregano and its seeds will be an ideal option, since care does not require special knowledge.

How to harvest

After the gardener has learned how to properly plant and grow oregano, take care of it and take proper care of it, you will need to familiarize yourself with the collection recommendations. There are no special technologies when choosing oregano how to grow it in the garden, but there are rules for collecting. The optimal time to start harvesting is mid-July. The collection can be carried out until mid-August. Drying should not be carried out in direct sunlight, as in this case the beneficial ethers will evaporate. The shredded plant is stored for 3 years in a well-closed glass jar. Oregano is bright like amethyst and very fragrant.
