The plant is known for its poisonous properties, but not many people know that dope herb is an excellent pain reliever, sedative and antispasmodic agent. Other names: prickly apples, thistle, cocklebur, stupid drink, stupid potion, divderevo, badura, vodian. The scientific classification is called datura (lat. Datura).


The annual plant belongs to the Solanaceae family. Has an unpleasant odor, especially when touched. The plant is evergreen, herbaceous.

What does a dope plant look like - description:

  • the stem is lodging or erect;
  • shoot length 50–120 cm;
  • the rhizome is long, pivotal, white or cream colored;
  • stem is tubular, covered with reddish bark. Over the years, the base lignifies and acquires a red-brown color;
  • foliage is dark green. The length of the leaf plate is 15 cm, the width is 10 cm. The bottom is light, the top is smooth and dark;
  • the flowers are large, up to 8 cm in diameter. The shape is bell-shaped. Flowers sit on a stem one by one;
  • fruit - ovoid prickly box 5 cm long. Contains up to 500 black seeds. The sizes of one achene are from 1.5 to 3.5 mm.

Before picking, it is important to know what the Datura herb looks like. There are plants similar to it, it is easy to confuse if you do not read its detailed description.

Dope herb

Additional Information. The Solanaceae family includes black henbane, belladonna, bittersweet and black nightshade, eggplant, tobacco, tomato, potatoes, belladonna, petunia.

Datura differs from other wild plants:

  • the base lignifies over the years;
  • spiny trunk;
  • fruits ripen in a box of 4 lobes covered with small thorns.

Grows in the south and middle zone of the European part of Russia. It can grow in the North Caucasus, in the Crimea and rarely in the northern regions.

Additional Information. You can grow a plant at home. This is not limited by the laws of the country, despite the fact that datura refers to plant hallucinogens.

Geographic zone - tropics and subtropics. Datura common, Indian, harmless is more common. The other 10 species are less common.

Varieties and reproduction

Datura is a genus of 13 plant species. It is difficult to distinguish the varieties of medicinal herbs, since the varieties are very similar.

Variety names:

  • Ordinary will grow to 1–1.5 m in height. The flower is white, bell-shaped, corrugated. A variety of datura common with lilac flowers and thornless fruits is rare;
  • What is the name of a flower similar to yellow dope? This is a datura plant variety Indian - Ballerina. It is divided into two sub-varieties: Medea and Flore pleno. Medea blooms with snow-white flowers, 15–20 cm long. Flore pleno has double purple flowers covered with white specks;
  • Native American or harmless - a shrub plant. The shaft is covered with a grayish pile giving a grayish tint. White flower, up to 19 cm long, green calyx. Difficult to distinguish from ordinary dope;
  • Datura ceratocaula has a sweet smell. An annual plant, native to Mexico. It grows mainly in shallow waters and swamps. The flower is white with blue. The tendency to branching is less than that of other species;
  • Datura discolor grows in the Socora Desert, mainly grows on sandy soils. Grows up to 1.4 m tall. The flowers are pale purple. The foliage is light green and the stem has noticeable purple streaks. Leaves are ovoid. Habitat: from Mexico to the southwestern part of the United States and the Caribbean;
  • Datura ferox reddish-purple at the base, young shoots are covered with hairs. The most prominent part of the plant is its broad, wavy, jagged leaves covered with downy hairs. The flower is yellowish white, usually does not open completely. First appeared in the southeast of China. Grows on pastures in warm areas;
  • Datura leichhardtii grows in Mexico and Guatemala, northern Australia, Queensland and New South Wales. Loves warmth, habitat - next to rivers and streams. Flowers are yellow-white. It is rarely found on sale, since it is not a decorative value;
  • Datura wrightii (sacred dope) has purple flowers with a pleasant sweet aroma, up to 20 cm in diameter. The plant is widespread in northern Mexico and the southwestern United States.

There are 5 more species that have not yet received a biological description. These include datura bernhardii, kymatocarpa, lanosa, quercifolia, reburra.


Datura is unpretentious in care, and indiscriminate in places of growth.

How the plant reproduces

Thistle reproduces by cuttings and seeds at home. Cutting method is rooting in the summer in nutritious humus. They use only what has not yet become numb. Cuttings overwinter in the warmth, and after the end of the frost they are planted in the street soil.

Under natural conditions, seeds are poured out of the egg-shaped prickly capsule, which are carried by the wind.

On what soil it grows, care

Datura grows only on fertile soils. He needs bright light and direct sunlight. Duropyan loves moisture. In summer it is often watered, in winter it is sprayed with water at room temperature. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, otherwise the plant will drop flowers and fruits.

Datura grass only grows in favorable conditions

Prepare the soil in advance. To grow datura, use 2 parts of sod, 1 each of leaf, humus, peat, coarse sand or perlite.

To obtain fruit, the grass is fertilized once every 2 weeks from May to September. Datura blooms only in summer. Repot every spring in a larger pot and cut the shoots in half.

Culture properties

Plant leaves, seeds are used. The plant began to be used in medical practice from the 15th century. The founders of medical science became aware of its beneficial properties.

Where, in what industry is it used

Thistle is used exclusively for medical purposes. It is undesirable to give it to animals.

The main signs of the use of Datura in animals:

  • fearfulness;
  • anxiety;
  • shiver;
  • a state of oppression and paralysis.

If a large amount of fresh grass is eaten, death is possible, it occurs within 4-6 hours. With prolonged use in small doses, the animal becomes apathetic, does not react to blows, stands with its head down, staggers, falls for no reason.

On a note. This is the only negative of the ugly person. We have to choose grass from the hay.

How is the plant useful and how it affects humans

Before using drugs made from Datura, you should consult your doctor. It is advisable to find a good traditional healer, not all doctors encourage this method of treatment.

Why is Datura herb useful?

Positive sides of badur:

  • a radical remedy for prolapse of the uterus and colon (make lotions, baths, douching and enemas);
  • helps with rheumatism (used for tinctures and rubbed in);
  • good pain relief for bruises;
  • used to treat neurological disorders;
  • decoctions are used for eczema, inflammation of the lymph nodes, mastitis, mastopathy and tumors.

Datura has a positive effect on a person if the products are prepared correctly. It is important to follow the instructions carefully and weigh the ingredients.

Note! Thorny apples are contraindicated for any heart disease. Side effects of the drug appear in visual and auditory hallucinations, which means that the patient has used too much dosage.

Also, among the negative reactions, poisoning, suppression of peripheral nerves, dry mucous membranes, convulsions, incoherent speech and inhibited state are distinguished.

About diseases and pests: what are there and how to deal with them

If the plant does not receive enough light and is rarely watered, the fruits fall off, the leaves dry out. It will not be possible to get rid of this problem in an instant. You need to start watering the plant more often and put it on the sunny side.

  • leaves turned pale and yellow-brown - fertilize. This means that the vodyan lacks magnesium;
  • if concentric rings appear on the leaves, there is no cure. The plant will heal on its own or die. Unfortunately, there is no cure for such a viral disease;
  • foolish potion is affected by aphids, scale insects and whiteflies, spider mites;
  • aphids appear on young shoots of plants or on the underside of leaves. You can get rid of it with organic insecticides and pesticides;
  • the scabbard is removed by hand using a sponge dipped in a solution of laundry soap. You can get rid of the parasite by chemical means using Aktara, Actellik, Vermit or Confidor;
  • when whiteflies are found, fumigators and other traps are set. Purchased funds will destroy the pest in a few hours. If the amount increases, don't experiment. We need to take drastic measures right away.

When you can collect grass and harvest. Drying and storage

You cannot collect a plant without knowing what the grass looks like. Therefore, you will first need to study this information.

Important! When harvesting poisonous herbs, you should follow safety rules and work with raw materials carefully. When picking fruits, do not touch the mucous membranes, inhale the smell, eat or smoke. Use gloves.

Leaves - during flowering, seeds - in autumn from ripe fruits.

Store raw materials in dry jars in a dark place. After 2 years, the expiration date will expire.

Not knowing how to prepare drugs from dope, it is forbidden even to collect raw materials on your own. The drugs are taken temporarily and in small dosages, after consulting a doctor.